• Cookies,  Fun

    I Heart Cookies

    Gizzy is home!!! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers and kind words. I know they helped him. He was in the bunny hospital for 3 days. He is home now and has some meds he has to take and he has to take it easy, but he is home. Thank Goodness! You have no idea the amount of stress I was going through while he was at the vet. That constant unknown is horrible. Man o man. I am hoping for nothing but a healthy bunny for the rest of his healthy bunny life. I think it shaved a few years off my own life to…

  • Dessert,  Food,  Fun

    The Cupcakery in St. Louis

    When I was in St. Louis  during the Christmas holiday I was introduced to The Cupcakery/Crave The Cup. Patrick’s sister, Kari, and her friends seem to have made going to this particular bakery a tradition whenever they are in town visiting from college. I think I rather like that tradition and I will tell you why… Normally when I go to bakery, I am very disappointed in the cupcakes. Come on, admit it…you have been there. You feel my pain. They look sooooo pretty and then it is such a let down when you take your first bite. I normally end up yelling with yuckie pieces of dry cupcake falling…

  • Breakfast,  Cake,  Food,  Fun

    Rainbow Sprinkle Donuts

    I did it!! People I did it! Finally, I have been talking for months and months to so many of you about how I wanted to make donuts and I finally did it! Thank goodness I made them before the hurricane came through my town though. We have been without power now for 3 days. Which means, no cooking and no showering :-(. My sweet lion was nice enough to let me come over and get a shower in yesterday…thank goodness for that! This is what it looked like on either end of the street I live on…trees are down everywhere in the Northeast. From the sounds of it, the…