Breakfast,  Fruit,  Healthy

Breakfast Quinoa with Fruit

Hello my dears!

I hope all of you that participated in this month’s pen pal had fun. I was so amazed at how much fun I had with it. I wasn’t really sure what to expect, but I am SO glad that I decided to do it.

Definitely doing it again!

Can I tell you what I am most excited about right now? The fact that I will be in Disney at the end of this month! GAH!! You have no idea how much I am anticipating this vacation.

I totally need it…

Work has been SO stressful lately that all I want to do is run away. Stupid SAP. Any of you who have experience with SAP, check out this video—> SAP. You will appreciate it I promise. It had me rolling on the floor laughing.

PLUS, it is Disney damnit! How can you not be excited?

I am no shape or form in ready for a bathing suit this early haha, but whatever…I will keep doing what I do best…be busy.

Speaking of busy…last night we had our first softball practice game of the season and then I had dance after that.

Man, I am struggling today.

Back to back activities like that wears you out…I don’t recall getting this tired. Does that mean I am getting old?? :-/


Anyways, the other day I was thinking about what I could have for breakfast…because well I love breakfast. I didn’t used to. I have no idea how I made it all those years without it.

Why not quinoa?

I have to admit that I never thought that quinoa could be a breakfast item, but I was pleasantly surprised because I love quinoa. Like love it!

It is practically a super food. For all of you skeptics out there about quinoa…you stink.

Onto the main event, breakfast!

Ingredients for Quinoa:

  • 1/2 cup uncooked quinoa
  • 1 1/4 cup water
  • 2 tablespoons Agave Nector
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons natural applesauce with no added sugar
  • 1 tablespoon dried cranberries
  • 1 tablespoon sliced roasted almonds, unsalted
  • a pinch of salt
  • 6-7 medium sized strawberries

Place water, salt, and agave nector into sauce pan. Bring to a boil.


Add in quinoa and bring back to a boil. Once it is boiling place a cover over the sauce pan and reduce heat. Cook the quinoa for about 15 minutes or until it is tender.

While quinoa is still hot, add in the applesauce and stir until well combined.

Slice your strawberries and grab your almonds and cranberries. Sprinkle them on top or mix them in, whatever you feel like and then enjoy!

OH and guess what?? I ran 10 miles last week, woot woot!

Go me for not having run for a while! 😀

Happy hump day guys!

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