• Food,  Fun,  Healthy,  Vegetables

    “Cookie Dough” Bites

    Good Morning! 🙂 Happy Monday morning to you all. This has been a busy month so far, whew! It isn’t slowing down at all! Patrick’s parents were just here for a visit for a few days, so we did a lot of sight seeing and trying to entertain them and keep them happy. I am glad that Patrick got to see his parents 🙂 This week are our engagement photos! So nervous. I know that our photographer is going to be amazing and her pictures are outstanding I have just never had a photo shoot that was primarily based around me and one other person. Certainly going to be interesting!…

  • Cake,  Dessert,  Food

    Vanilla Cupcakes

    Another year has come and gone. Strange how fast time goes isn’t it? I cannot believe that tomorrow I am turning 28. 28! I don’t feel twenty.eight. OK…maybe sometimes I feel 28. My body definitely feels different from now then it did when I was 18 that is for sure. It is harder to get out of bed, not like wake up early. I get up at 5am almost every day. But like STEP out of bed ::CRACCCKKKK:: I sound like I am about 60 years old, however the hip cracking thing deeply stems from being a dancer. Seriously…ask a dancer about cracking their hips. Guarantee they love it haha.…