• Food,  Healthy,  Spicy,  Vegetables

    SweetBurgers with Chipotle Cilantro Cream

    We are going to start off today with some frustration and then get to the excitement, sound good? OK, so I am CONFUSED!! What the heck Facebook? The timeline feature is really neat to look at, but how the heck do I get it to do what I want for my RavieNomNoms Fanpage? I can’t get any of my links to come up just under my cover picture. Maybe it has something to do with the amount of people you have liking your page and that gives you different options? As, I am looking through book of faces that is all I can tell. Some people are able to put…

  • Food,  Vegetables

    Pesto Gnocchi

    Good rainy morning to you all! I have a big presentation this morning to the big man on campus here at work and all his staff so this is going to be a short and sweet intro. Need to prepare! I am not one of those people that really gets nervous when I present to a crowd, I think that may be because I am a dancer and have spent a lot of time on stage. Either way even though I don’t get nervous I do like to be prepared for the pack of wolves I am about to get up in front of, haha. This recipe that I am…