

I am one of those people who truly and sincerely enjoys to read. I have so many favorites I don’t think it would be possible for me to make a list of them!

I just recently however…finished a book that intrigued me. Really got me thinking.  I enjoy Dan Brown, I think he is a really good writer. I have read almost all of his books. Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons were really my favorite though. Cliché, I know because they are the most popular. And to all of you out there that were offended because you are Catholic…pish posh. I am Catholic and those books were absolutely divine…and fiction.

Anyways, back to what I was getting at. I just finished The Lost Symbol last night…and although I was not completely satisfied with the ending…it has some interesting points in it. Again…fiction…but it was interesting to think about.

I am also a fan of The Alchemist and this book had very similar ideas in it as The Alchemist (if you have not read the Alchemist…pleeease do! You won’t regret it…I promise.). I am going to put some quotes from the book below…some of the main ideas that really got me thinking…

“Maybe there is a universal truth embedded in everyone’s soul. Maybe we all have the same story hiding inside, like a shared constant in our DNA. Maybe this collective truth is responsible for the similarity in all of our stories.”

“Truth, truth has power. And if we all gravitate toward similar ideas, maybe we do so because those ideas are true…written deep within us. And when we hear the truth, even if we don’t understand it, we feel that truth resonate within us…vibrating with our unconscious wisdom. Perhaps the truth is not learned by us, but rather, the truth is re-called…re-membered…re-cognized…as that which is already inside us.”

What an interesting concept? No? It was so interesting to me that in this book they brought forth the ideas that WE are God. That God is within us all and that WE have the power to know all truths because it is already within us.

The Alchemist excerpt:

“All things are one. The soul of the universe is one with your own soul and every other soul that exists. Your destiny is to realize that you and the universe are one and, as you awaken to this truth, all the universe shall conspire to help you along this path.”

Read the books…they will definitely make you think.

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