• Food,  Sandwiches/Wraps

    Steak Pita

    I am officially on Day 3 of my detox and I feel awesome! No, I am not being sarcastic and yes, I am totally shocked! Before I started I felt so lethargic and just weighed down. I cannot tell you how much more energy I have in just the first few days of doing this. What a difference! Not only that, but my mood has gotten better since I have been on it. SHEESH! If I knew it was going to be this awesome, I would have done it a long time ago! My first 2 days looked a little like this: It was really easy actually. I have been…

  • Food,  Meat

    Steaks – Cast Iron Style

    Happy Thursday! This week has been seriously nutty. Seems like it is so busy for me. Maybe it is because everyone is just getting back to work from the holidays, which always causes all sorts of pandemonium. Or at least it does at my office. I feel like getting back to my daily grind and schedule, I guess I didn’t realize how busy I really am. Craziness! I feel like there is just so much going on this month…so many birthday’s (including my own), traveling for work, young professional events, celebrations. GAH! All families have those months where all the birthday’s/anniversary’s/big news seems to happen all at once. January is…

  • Food,  Meat,  Pasta

    Steak and Orzo

    I’m back! Hello all! I hope you are having a great week so far. I just got back from my PA trip. Overall it went pretty good, the company was good so that made it better. It is hard to travel like that for almost an entire week, especially when you have to drive the whole way. Our trip was about 5 1/2 hours from where I am located in CT. Makes for a long couple days, BUT I got to have Yuengling which made me extremely happy (again if you don’t know what Yuengling is…check out my previous post there is a website). I wanted to share one of…

  • Food

    What kind of Sushi do I want?

    What an extremely busy week! Honestly…between, work, softball (we made the playoffs! woohoo! and won our game last night woohoooo!), working out, friends, animals, boyfriend, parents etc…I could go on forever, haha….it is hard to have time to cook. It really is! I enjoy cooking but sometimes I really have to almost “schedule” time to do it. At least it seems that way in the summer time for me. When it is winter and I don’t have as much going on it is much easier for me, but the summer is always hard for me to actually sit still in one spot and get something done, haha 😉 I feel…

  • Chicken,  Food,  Healthy,  Meat,  Vegetables


    Love summer time! Summer time to me is so much fun, not just for the sun and vacations…but for the grill! I find that if I am ever in doubt as to what I should make for dinner…I head for the grill. You can make some of the best food on the grill….although I have to admit I have had some mishaps. Like, for example, the first time I tried to make pizza on the grill. Let’s just say the people at the grocery store saw me twice in one day, one hour apart. 😛 Anyways, I wanted to make something on the grill and kabobs are always a good…

  • Food


    Soooooo…since this is my first post I figured I would start out with the good stuff..FOOD I just got back from Cape Cod and made some delicious meals that I wanted to share with everyone!! I love bread…and more that just any kind of bread… I love bread dipped in olive oil. YUM! Is there anything better?? I say there is NOT! I also enjoy vegetables. ALL kinds of vegetables made in all sorts of different ways… Now, the finished meal, I must say was fantastic. Very light but also at the same time very filling…and extremely delicious! Steak to finish off the meal! Enjoy all the pictures of good…