Peanut Butter Cookies {Gluten Free}
I am sharing a Peanut Butter Cookie today. Do I have your attention? If you are anything like me, I definitely do. I love Peanut Butter more than I could possibly say. Literally, I think I could eat it out of the jar with a spoon…every.single.day. and be completely happy. When I was younger, my Mom used to babysit as her profession so she always got those huge 5lb drums of Peter Pan peanut butter that you get at Sams, BJs or Costco, because she was always feeding 10 kids peanut butter. Because, let’s be honest…most kids are picky but they love peanut butter. I used to take those huge…
Rosemary Roasted Almonds
Good Monday Morning. Did you all have a nice weekend? Mine started off with me buying a wedding dress! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That’s right, this is getting reallllllly real now. My mom and I went to the bridal shop on Friday already having an idea of which dresses to choose from. We had narrowed it down to 2 after my 2nd visit to the shop. I did my hair nicely and had some nice earrings on and actually wore high heels as to get a better idea of what the dress would look like. We went in open minded and I had one other dress I wanted to try but we were…
Prosciutto Wrapped Asparagus
Well hellloooo there! I hope your holidays have been filled with lots of love and cheer thus far. Mine have been quiet. Spent the majority of my time with my folks. Patrick is in St. Louis visiting family. The past few days have been a chance for me to reflect on the year and also to just sit back and relax. I have had the past week off on vacation. My office has had a mandatory shutdown on holiday weeks this year. Which is good and bad I suppose. It has been nice to be able to sleep in and catch up on some reading. Santa brought my all I…
Creamy Almond Date Snacks
I don’t know about you… But when I get home from working out at the gym, bikram, a run…just any kind of workout in general; I am ravenous! Maybe it is because I work out so hard? BOOYAH! This Fall I have been working out a lot, and honestly I feel really good about it. One of my favorite routines is this: This routine is awesome! Works you out and you can definitely feel it. Takes about40 minutes total if you are really moving through it. The running is 5 minutes and then all the moves are about 5 minutes. Try it out and see what you think! I have…
Quicker than Quick S’mores
Good Monday Morning to you all! How was your weekend? Hopefully full of rest or all the things you were hoping for 🙂 Nothing too exciting went on with mine. Working on the house, trying to catch up on some sleep. However, one of my best friends in the whole world celebrated her birthday this past weekend. Happy Birthday Alana! She is one of those people I have know since about the 1st grade. So about 22 years (that is crazy to say haha). She is enjoying the beginning with her first baby girl this year and I could not be more happy for her. Alana is one of those…
One of my favorites!
This is one of my most favorite recipes and it is quick, easy, and healthy! Roasted Tomatoes with Mozzarella! YUM! I went on a strange kick back when I was in college to go on a diet. I do believe my grandparents were having their 50th wedding anniversary in Florida…soooo, my mom and I decided that we needed to lose a couple of pounds each so that we looked our best. Well, we decided that the South Beach Diet was the way to go…. It definitely was NOT the way to go…at least not for me. I was so miserable on that diet…and I mean, m i s e r…