Candy Corn Cookies
BOO! Did I scare you? Happy Halloween friends! Well, the day before, but all the same. I have been on a little bit of a hiatus because I started a new job and I am trying to get my new schedule figured out. Different hours, long hours, which is good. I an really enjoying the challenge, but it takes some time getting used it. I try to practice having patience with myself with getting back into my routines, but let’s be honest… I don’t really possess patience 😛 It was time for a move in my old job, not much room for growth and now I am with a company…
Cinnamon Crackle Cookies (& Wedding Stuff)
Holy cow… So, first off… HELLLLOOOO!!! Oh my gosh, it has been forever since I have posted. I missed you all so so much! It has been a crazy couple of months. But, I am married now! Can you believe it?! I can’t. It was quite possibly the most magical and happiest weekend of my life. Don’t get me wrong, it was stressful and hectic but it was amazing. We got to see SO many people we loved. So much family and so many friends. It was amazing! Not to mention the actual day of the wedding was so seamless. I cannot say enough about The Lord Thompson Manor and…
Maple Glazed Cinnamon Rolls
Are there certain things that your family only have around the holidays? Ever since I can remember, there would be piping hot cinnamon rolls waking me up on Christmas Morning. That smell of a fresh pastry right out of the oven sure does know how to get me out of bed. It is a tradition that my family has had ever since I can remember. Even now that I am in my late twenties, there is just nothing like that smell when you wake up on Christmas morning at your folks house, or when you walk in the door from your own home and you smell those amazing rolls. Yummm….my…
Are you all geared up for Thanksgiving? Can you even believe it is here already?! This year has legitimately gone faster than any other year I think I can remember. People always told me when I was younger… “time goes faster as you get older”, oh pish posh! I would think. It could not be more true. AmIright? The older I get the more I think I forget to stop and think about what I am truly grateful for. You just get so busy that you forget to remember what is right in front of you. Today is a bit of reflection for myself. If any of you are friends…
Stuffed Red Peppers
Thank you all for the Top 9 today! So nice of you all to have buzzed my post for my mom with the Cinnamon Chip Scones. 🙂 The Lenten season has begun…I have always taken part in Lent. Something my family and I have been doing ever since I can remember. Do you give anything up for Lent? I know a lot of people say they take Sundays “off” during Lent so they can indulge in that they gave up, I am not one of those people. I do stay away from meat on Fridays during Lent, but then again I don’t eat a lot of meat to begin with.…
I Heart Cookies
Gizzy is home!!! Thank you all so much for your thoughts and prayers and kind words. I know they helped him. He was in the bunny hospital for 3 days. He is home now and has some meds he has to take and he has to take it easy, but he is home. Thank Goodness! You have no idea the amount of stress I was going through while he was at the vet. That constant unknown is horrible. Man o man. I am hoping for nothing but a healthy bunny for the rest of his healthy bunny life. I think it shaved a few years off my own life to…
Holiday Party
It is Monday again…how do Monday’s always seem to creep up so fast on you? I mean really…it was just Friday! I did have a really good weekend though. My parents threw this really amazing Christmas party for some of my Dad’s coworkers. I was the bartender/tour guide/photographer of the party. OH YES! The new camera is fantastic! You should have seen me when it arrived on Saturday. I was like a little kid jumping up and down screaming “Open it! Open it!”. It came while I was helping my mom cook some food for the party and I completely stopped what I was doing to open my new present…