Chocolate Chip Cookies
Good Thursday Morning to everyone! How is your week going thus far? Mine has been going rather quickly actually. Can’t complain about that! Makes the weekend come faster. Ever heard of Christmas in July? Well I got Christmas in August. I would just like to say that I have the best boyfriend in all of the land (ok, yes I did just say “in all of the land”, but maybe that is because he make me feel like a princess 😉 ). He found this sale on Onieda.com. Holy frekkin’ moly! Talk about getting things for dirt cheap. He is such a good deal finder. Just like me actually haha.…
Bachelorette Cookies
Good Monday Morning to you all! How was your weekend? I am hoping well. Mine always go too fast. Especially when you are doing things. Always seem to go quicker. This weekend was spent mostly celebrating my Mom’s birthday, going to a bachelorette party, and looking for things for the new house. Patrick and I made our first purchase this weekend. A new washer and dryer, since the house didn’t have them. We went to a store closing out sale at Sears and got the appliances for a steal! It was a deal we couldn’t pass up. I have a feeling this purchasing things for the house is never going…
Banana Spice Muffins
Man, what a tornado these past few weeks have been. Most of you know that Patrick and I have been working to get ourselves our first house. We had our home inspection on Monday afternoon. Overall things went pretty well, here and there things that have to be taken care of…but that is a house right? Our major concern was that the inspector said that the roof needed to be replaced. Knowing that the seller was going to be paying all the closing costs, we knew this was going to be a battle. We thought we would start at the beginning and send in a unsatisfactory inspection form to the…
Pinwheel Cookies
OK so I have been totally MIA lately. BUT there is a good reason for it. Well kinda…haha The place I work has been going through a new system called SAP. OH.MY.GOSH. I had no idea how much this would absolutely stop work in its tracks but has it ever. I mean I literally spend all day spinning my tires on one simple thing. It is amazing to me! The problem is the place I work we are soooo very centered on doing A LOT of transactions in a month and we can’t do that much volume anymore with this new system. Really making things stressful and hard to complete…
Irish Soda Bread
♣St. Patrick’s Day♣ It’s coming up! Do you all have something planned? I have a weekend planned out, but it is a surprise!! Patrick’s birthday is the 19th of March, so this weekend I have something super exciting for him all planned out, but I can’t tell you all because then he would know! hehe The plan is to blindfold him for our trip, so he doesn’t guess where we are going as I drive, and then have a fabulous weekend with all the events and food I have planned. Sounds like fun huh? I don’t think he has a clue as to what I have planned out, which makes…
Citrus Poppyseed Bread (for Steph’s Bakesale!)
Today I am sharing with you a recipe that is going to be featured on Steph’s Bite by Bite. Her bake sale will be held on Friday March 2nd. So don’t forget to check it out! There are going to be a ton of yummy treats to look at, but not only look at…get to have sent to you directly if you decide to buy. I hope you go over and check it out immediately! The bake sale will be held to help Kristi reach her TNT goal of $2,900 which will help support the efforts of Team in Training and The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to find a cure…
Curly Parsley Potato Biscuits
Happy Monday! (don’t worry I am not one of those overly hyper Monday people, just trying to be positive haha) How was your weekend? I hope it was good 🙂 Mine was pretty easy going. I did a lot relaxing after Friday night. Which was needed really. I have this little tickle in my throat, I am SO hoping that doesn’t mean I am getting sick. Blah to getting sick! Patrick and I went to Noel and Jim’s wedding on Friday and it was so much fun! We had a great time dancing the night away. I think the best part of the night was the photo booth though. They…
Cinnamon Chip Scones
Moms are seriously amazing. Aren’t they? They always know just how much love to give you when you need it, or just the right amount of Jell-O when your tummy hurts. They always know what kind of advice to give you (and are 9 times out of 10 right), even when you think you have it all figured out. They always know what is best for you, even though you hate what that “best for you” is. I am amazed at Moms. They are patient, wise, overwhelmingly kind and unconditionally loving. Sometimes I wonder if I could be a Mom… My friend Becci and I were having this conversation about…
Football Cookies
How was your Superbowl Sunday? Did your team win? I wasn’t really partial to either one of the teams. I don’t care for Brady or Eli all that much. Truly, I was hoping to see the Packers in the Superbowl. Not that they are a team I follow closely, but I thought they deserved it. I am a Chiefs and Steelers fan, so both of my teams were gone long before the Superbowl. Although my Chiefs did win against the Packers so that was exciting. Not that it had any kind of bearing on the Packers at all, but delivering their first lost was definitely a proud moment for my…
Blueberry Pomegranate Muffins
1 week down of the detox. Doing well! I baked some muffins yesterday when I had my break for Sunday Dinner. 1 week to go and then I will be all done. I am going strong. Although I do miss having a piece of toast or oatmeal with my breakfast haha 😉 I have a confession… I.am.obsessed.with.Pinterest. Like obsessed! I happened to stumble across it once or twice and then have seen a lot of foodies using it and then had a coworker mention it, so I HAD to check it out. If you haven’t ever, do so! Especially if you like pictures, it is like heaven for anyone who…
Teal Swirly-Cakes
Hello All!Thank you all so much for putting my Sautéed Tilapia Tacos in the Top 9! What a great present for today! Because…today is a big day… I turn 27 today! Yup birthday girl here! 😀 Lucky 27, right Becci? 😉 Lots of fun things going on for me today. Some of my friends from work are taking me out to a Happy Hour after work today, which is always fun. Drinks and friends, is there anything better? I say there is not! Tomorrow, Patrick is being a doll and taking me to our favorite Sushi restaurant in Hartford called Feng. We actually had our first date there ♥ ♥.…
C is for Chocolate Cake?
Is anyone else amazed that we are almost half way through January?? I am! I From October to present I feel like the duration of time has been about 2 weeks. I am flabbergasted at how fast the days are going! Today is one of my best friends birthday’s. We are exactly one week apart! (that’s right I have a birthday coming up haha). Lots of January babies in my family. She is such an amazing person and I absolutely love her to death! I have known Miss Alana (now Mrs.) since I was about 5 years old. We went to elementary school together and part of middle school as…