Peanut Butter Cookies {Gluten Free}
I am sharing a Peanut Butter Cookie today. Do I have your attention? If you are anything like me, I definitely do. I love Peanut Butter more than I could possibly say. Literally, I think I could eat it out of the jar with a spoon…every.single.day. and be completely happy. When I was younger, my Mom used to babysit as…
Sweet Potato Chips
Ok, so it has literally been a month since I have posted….whatttt the heck!? I apologize my dear friends, my priorities have changed so much this past year. I adore my little blog here, but with things that are happening in my life, I am finding it hard to to have to time post and share my recipes. Getting married…
Avocado Fries with Avocado Dipping Sauce
Ok. I am not sure what else to say about this post, but it is full of green. Not the kind you put in your wallet (more like the kind that is always leaving my wallet). No, not the kind you walk on in the summer. Nah, not St. Patty’s day beer or broccoli. Avocado my friends. Avocado. Can you…
Pan-Seared Scallops with Cauliflower “Mash”
Do you like home renovation projects? Patrick and I are constantly working on our house. There is a sense of satisfaction when you finish and it is something you have worked on and it actually looks nice! Granted my parents have been nice enough to show us the ropes on many, many, MANY home improvement tricks. I have watched my…
Rich Chocolate Brownies (No Bake)
I was thinking the other day… Since I have this blog and I love to cook but I am also planning a wedding, why don’t I try and intermingle the two while this is all going on? Try and use it as an online journal of sorts, get my feelings out but also show you all what I have been…
Turkey Burgers with Cranberry-Apple Relish
Happy Hump Day! I have a confession… With the wedding coming up, still in full force renovating Patrick’s and my home, traveling…I am just distracted. My life has been a bit of a whirl wind lately and because of that I have had to take a step back from things to try and remain sane. Having to not be involved…
St. Patty’s Green Mint Smoothie
♣ Happy St. Patty’s Day! ♣ Hope everything is having a lovely St. Patty’s Day so far! Are you doing anything special? Celebrating in any special way? I really haven’t done much celebrating for St. Patty’s Day since I was in college, which is a-ok with me. Patrick and I are off to St. Louis this weekend for a wedding. Which…
Homemade Greek Yogurt Cheese
Wait…did I read that right? Yup, you did. Homemade.Greek.Yogurt.Cheese. That just happened. I love cheese, but most of the time it doesn’t love me back. I have been avoiding cheese on the whole as much as I can. Maybe a few sneaks here and there, but on the whole I have been avoiding it for about 3-4 months now. Believe…
Sesame Carrot Salad
Happy Friday! I cannot tell you how glad I am that it is going to be the weekend. This week has been hellish at work and I am looking forward to getting a break. Maybe even sleep in til 7:30am! How sad is it that 7:30am is sleeping in?? Today I am sharing with you one of my most favorite…
Cayenne Peanut Brittle
It’s Monday again. How did this happen? Wasn’t it just Friday… Our weekends fly by way too fast and I know everyone ALWAYS says this. But, man, it’s true! There is never enough time in the weekend to get done what you want to get done or not get done 😉 Nothing terribly exciting is happening in my life at…
Mini Chocolate Muffins
Well hello all! Are you getting snow like we are in the Northeast? We has some yesterday and appppaarreennnntttlllyy we are getting like 8-10″ of snow from tonight until tomorrow afternoon? Sweet. Can’t wait. I mean really. I.am.stoked. ::blank stare:: Granted, I live in New England. Yes, I know this. But, as I have gotten older…cleaning up snow SUCKS! Anyways,…
Almond Date Cranberry Snacks
Good Monday Morning Friends! How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was full of working on the house as usual. Went out with some friends on Friday night which was so fun. It is always good to get together for dinner, talk about nothing and everything and drink wine. It is a good way to end the week. Patrick and I also…