Snickerdoodles {Paleo}
Confession… I love cookies. and cinnamon. But mostly cookies. I mean this is my second cookie post this week. Dogs and cats living together…MASS HYSTERIA! (name that movie and I’ll be your friend forever 😉 ) Enough about cookies… I am super excited today because I am headed to see one of best friends in the WHOOOLE world! Chrissy! WOOHOO! I love this girl so much. She actually just came to visit me but she’s got a big birthday coming up and I am SO excited to celebrate with her. Heading down to the Philly area to see some old friends and check out the old stomping ground and hang…
Zucchini Brownies w/ Dark Chocolate Frosting
It is August. AUGUST! I mean good lord, where has this year gone!? Granted, I have been pretty busy. But still. Patrick and I have been working like crazy people to try and get our house ready for people to come and stay in for the wedding that is 82 days away…eeeeeee! Yikers. One of our bathrooms is completely torn up at the moment. Down to the studs. Always something isn’t it? I am glad we are doing it, because quite frankly we had some SERIOUS electrical hazards behind our walls. In just about every room we have touched. Thank goodness my Dad and Patrick know to how fix these…
St. Patty’s Green Mint Smoothie
♣ Happy St. Patty’s Day! ♣ Hope everything is having a lovely St. Patty’s Day so far! Are you doing anything special? Celebrating in any special way? I really haven’t done much celebrating for St. Patty’s Day since I was in college, which is a-ok with me. Patrick and I are off to St. Louis this weekend for a wedding. Which should be great! His birthday is on the 19th so I am glad we are going to be able to go and celebrate with his family and friends. I am sharing a smoothie today. I have been on a smoothie kick lately! I have had so many of them! They…
Cayenne Peanut Brittle
It’s Monday again. How did this happen? Wasn’t it just Friday… Our weekends fly by way too fast and I know everyone ALWAYS says this. But, man, it’s true! There is never enough time in the weekend to get done what you want to get done or not get done 😉 Nothing terribly exciting is happening in my life at the moment. Lot’s of little things to keep me busy. Are you doing anything special on Valentine’s Day with your sweetie? I am normally not one to do the whole “Valentine’s Day” thing, but Patrick has gone all out this year for me. Which was unexpected and kind of great…
Almond Date Cranberry Snacks
Good Monday Morning Friends! How was everyone’s weekend? Mine was full of working on the house as usual. Went out with some friends on Friday night which was so fun. It is always good to get together for dinner, talk about nothing and everything and drink wine. It is a good way to end the week. Patrick and I also talked to a travel agent about our honeymoon! We were so torn between so many different places. We have a budget in place and it was just so overwhelming we thought, well…I thought it would be nice to meet with someone who plans travel for a living. Patrick was set…
No Bake Peanut Butter Oat Cookies
Happy Friday! Here are a few snapshots of my birthday: It was lovely and I had so much fun. A new Apron from my Girlfriend Tam – How perfect is that? All dolled up for my dinner Chocolate Mouse with Raspberry Sauce and Toasted Hazlenuts :: swoon:: Simon Pearce glass blower My FT4 wishing me a happy birthday <3 Snow on my birthday in Vermont #win Waterfall at Simon Pearce Totally indulgent breakfast with Patrick in Vermont Overall I cannot complain. I had a lovely birthday and I know it is almost a week after at this point, but I just wanted to share it with some of you that…
Creamy Almond Date Snacks
I don’t know about you… But when I get home from working out at the gym, bikram, a run…just any kind of workout in general; I am ravenous! Maybe it is because I work out so hard? BOOYAH! This Fall I have been working out a lot, and honestly I feel really good about it. One of my favorite routines is this: This routine is awesome! Works you out and you can definitely feel it. Takes about40 minutes total if you are really moving through it. The running is 5 minutes and then all the moves are about 5 minutes. Try it out and see what you think! I have…
Lemon Bourbon Cake Doughnuts
I saw this recipe over at Chasing Delicious and as soon as I saw it I knew I had to make it. Have you ever been over to Chasing Delicious?? It is always SO much fun and Russell is always doing such creative things. I love that name btdubs. If I ever have a boy, that will be a major contention for his name haha Anyways, I knew I had to try this and let me tell you they were a hit! Unfortunately, I couldn’t partake in them because it is still Lent and I am pretty sure that a doughnut counts as a sweet. Right? I froze some so…