Pasta and things
Is it just me or are you waking up every day and saying… wait, what day is it? It feels so strange to be home all the time, but I will also say that I am loving being able to multi-task. I can be on a conference call and do my laundry or cook myself a meal. The only thing I worry about is when I do go back to work (which from the sounds of it won’t be until next year), how the pup will handle it. He has gotten so used to me being home, I actually was thinking about it and I hope that I can work…
Spicy Malaysian Noodles
Hi everyone! This marks the last day of our beloved Foodbuzz. I am not sure how I feel about not having all your smiling faces pop up on my Foodbuzz inbox everyday. I have done by best to try and follow as many of you as possible in any way that I can. Please feel free to do the same so that we can keep in touch. I most definitely want to keep in touch with as many of you as I can. I don’t always have a ton of time to see your posts as they come up on Twitter or Facebook because I have a full time job,…
Zesty Lemon Shrimp Pasta
Ok, so again this being grown up thing? When did this happen? The getting up and going to work thing is overrated. Yea yea, money is nice…but man, if I could just get an extra hour of sleep everyday that would be saaawweeet! To add the grownupness…Patrick and I stumbled across a house that we like and decided to go look at it. One of those things that we drive by it every day to work and decided “what the heck” why not go and check it out just for fun? Talk about your all time backfires. Guess who the dumb girl is that really likes this house is even…
Chicken Pepper Pasta
Hello everyone! I have been MIA this week. Been feeling slightly under the weather and I missed 2 days of work this week which has made the rest of my week pretty hectic during the day. You know whenever you miss a few days of something you just feel out of sorts? That is how I feel this week. I am sure I will get back up to speed, but it is the catching up that is the brutal part. HOWEVER! In the coming weeks I have some really exciting news to share with all of you. I don’t mean to hold you all in suspense, but I just wanted…
Pesto Shrimp Pasta
Hello there! I trust you had a fabulous weekend. My weekend was pretty good. Definitely went to a Mac and Cheese tasting with some of my friends, haha. Mac and Cheese tasting you say?? Believe me this was the best idea they could have ever had. Each person that came to the tasting brought their own Mac and Cheese dish. They were numbered and then we all tried the dishes and cast our votes. My Mac and Cheese came in 2nd place, woot woot! haha, I have to say it was pretty fun and all the different Mac and Cheeses?! Can we say food coma? We had a blast chatting…
Garden Pasta Salad
Congrats Tino!! He just bought himself a brand new 2011 Hyundai Sonata, fully loaded SE 2.0T, and traded in his Ford Explorer. His exploder as we called it! He is a hard core Ford guy so I have to say I was very shocked when he decided on the Sonata, but the car is really beautiful and certainly is going to get him better gas mileage than the exploder. Although, I know he will miss his big car…but I am SO proud of him for buying his first *new* car (you know how that goes, owning lots of cars in your lifetime but never a *new* car)! In spirit of…
Sesame Noodles with Chicken
It’s Friday!! What a week this has been! I think that being gone to California really put a dent in my workload at work. I just cannot seem to get ahead of the game. Needless to say I am pretty happy about it being Friday not only because it means I don’t have to work tomorrow and I get to sleep in, BUT one my girlfriends at work went on a “HOT DATE” last night and I can’t wait to hear about it!! 😉 Last night I wanted to try and make something a little different (and healthy) for myself. I am always looking to try new recipes but sometimes…
Pretty Pepper Pasta
First off, congrats to CakeWhiz on the Top 9 with my recipe for water cake! I have to give thanks because I got a lot of traffic on my blog yesterday because of that. So a big thanks for featuring my recipe and another congrats for making it look so awesome! 😀 To all of you hummus haters out there…I don’t get you. I really don’t. I love hummus! Put it on a pita, put it on veggies, put it on chips, use it as spread for a sandwich….I lik’em all! Since I have been on the detox my snack in the afternoon is some veggies with hummus (which is…
Spicy Pasta
It is Wednesday and today is my work Holiday party…so you know what that means right?! HALF DAY! I feel like I am back in elementary school where I am getting an early dismissal. It is always nice to get a break from the office 🙂 I finally got the cold weather I have been praying for but the snow is still lacking…we got a dusting of snow earlier this week but nothing you can play in haha. Send your positive foodie vibes my way for some snow…I am desperate! I love spicy food. Any kind of spicy food, I will definitely reach for it! Every time I make pasta…
Steak and Orzo
I’m back! Hello all! I hope you are having a great week so far. I just got back from my PA trip. Overall it went pretty good, the company was good so that made it better. It is hard to travel like that for almost an entire week, especially when you have to drive the whole way. Our trip was about 5 1/2 hours from where I am located in CT. Makes for a long couple days, BUT I got to have Yuengling which made me extremely happy (again if you don’t know what Yuengling is…check out my previous post there is a website). I wanted to share one of…
Success! Homemade Ravioli
Yes! I did it! I finally made the leap and made my very own homemade pasta! I have always heard how people say that pasta made from scratch is so much better than store bought. However, I was never brave enough or frankly had enough time to make homemade pasta. Well, this weekend while I was sick and curled up in my blanket reading my book (Blood Men), that I actually finished this weekend – it is amazing how much reading you can get done if you sit still for a while, I decided that I was going to attack my fear and just do it…MAKE THE PASTA! Pasta is…
Mac and Cheese (with a surprise!)
I LOVE macaroni and cheese. It is one of those things that I just love to have on any kind of day. Rainy day, sunny day, warm day, cool day….doesn’t matter. Mac and Cheese is a SUPER comfort food for me. When I was little my mom used to make it with chopped hot dogs. That was my favorite thing in the world. She used to make it with multi-colored rotini (I love rotini) and I would pick out all the green and orange-colored ones because I thought they tasted different, even though they really don’t haha. I was a little picky when I was younger. I always thought that…