Drinks,  Food

CT Wine Trail

I had an absolutely fabulous weekend! The weather was gorgeous, I was celebrating my 2 year anniversary with my bf (9/11), my best friend turned 25 (Happy Birthday Chrissy!!), AND I went on the Connecticut Wine Trail. I didn’t want the weekend to end at all!!! We have had such HOT weather this summer that it was so nice to have a mild sunny day. I couldn’t have asked for a better day if I tried.

Here is the Wine Trail below:

If you click on it, it will take you to the website. The Wineries that my bf and I visited were the following:

  • Hopkins Vineyard, New Preston CT
  • White Silo Winery, Sherman CT
  • Digrazia Vineyards, Brookfield CT
  • McLaughlin Vineyards, Sandy Hook CT

Then we stayed a Bed & Breakfast in Southbury, CT called Cornucopia at Oldfield. It was the best little bed and breakfast. Here are some pictures from it…

The couple that owns this place, Christine and Ed, were SUCH nice people. They offered suggestions on where to go to dinner and what do to the next day of our stay. They were extremely interesting and had really full and eventful life so far. They lived in Bermuda for a number of years, how awesome is that?! Always nice to meet new people who are genuine.

Literally the B&B was fantastic! All of you New Englanders, if you ever get a chance to go…I HIGHLY recommend this place. Anyways, so let’s go on to the Wineries!!! 🙂

Hopkins Vineyard

Free glass with Tasting

My favorite from this winery was their Red Barn Red. It was a medium-bodied, dry red. It had black currant overtones and I think it would go well with most meat dishes like steak or lamb. Close 2nd was the Lady Rosé 2009, which was a Pinot Noir. It was zesty with notes of strawberry and apricot. This would be a great wine for light meals or salads.

White Silo Winery

There was a Raspberry Festival going on at this winery while we went. Was actually one of the main reasons I wanted to go to this winery.

some of their Raspberry bushes
Yes, it actually has a White Silo
snack from the festival

This was extremely delicious! It had raspberries, bananas, and what appeared to be french toast. Was much lighter than a french toast though. Then it had raspberry preservatives as a “sauce”. It was a great little treat!

Raspberry oat bar
The Wines

In all honesty, I was really disappointed in the wine. My favorite one here was the Black Currant. Which was a dry, full-bodied wine with a long finish. This would also go well with most hearty meals. All the other wines were slightly too sweet for my taste, and the color of their wines was very unique!

Digrazia Vineyards

wine tasting
another couple free glasses

My favorite wine here was a blush wine and this is normally not my kind of wine at all. It was called William’s Sonet. I seem to remember the woman who was educating us on the wines that it actually isn’t a blush, just appears to be because they use raspberry with the white grapes to make this. It had just a hint of tartness which I enjoy and was not too sweet, would be great for a summer wine.

McLaughlin Vineyards

wines at the tasting

My favorite at this winery was the Vista Reposa.  It was a red, that was very dry and was barrel aged. It was a spicy blend of merlot and petite verdot. I really found this wine enjoyable and something I would have with pasta dishes.

I was shocked too, haha

Yea, soooooo we get to this winery and there is a TON of people there. We had been seeing weddings and parties all day at the wineries so we didn’t think much of the massive amount of people that were socializing on the wineries lawn. As we were walking in we saw this sign, “Newtown Swingers Club”. We looked at each other ::hmmmm::. My boyfriend goes to me, “maybe it is a jazz band”. We looked around a little more and thought it was odd that all of the people were wearing name tags. Since I have one of those fancy phones where you can google things on the spot, I looked it up…yea, definitely a “Swingers” club. Like the ones in the 70s. Needless to say, we tried our wine and high-tailed it out of there very quickly, haha!

Overall all the wineries were really a pleasure to go to. They were all beautiful and the people were really nice. So we went back to the bed and breakfast and relaxed a little and this was waiting on our bed.

Which was just so nice! The innkeepers really made the trip personalized for us. They even served us a gorgeous breakfast in the morning of fruit and eggs however you liked along with multi-grain bread.

Now, personally the next part is my favorite because it is the part where I get presents! haha 😉

come on! tell me what I am getting!
How gorgeous is this?! Thank you!
He knows me tooooo well! (that kitchen bible is AWESOME!)

We went out to dinner at a place called Julio’s that was literally 5 minutes from our bed and breakfast. I tried to take a picture of my dinner, but it was so dark in there that I couldn’t get a good one. So sorry the next picture is kind of blurry. It was a mushroom risotto with chicken and basil. It was fantastic! My guy got a Danila pizza which had roasted red peppers, tomatoes, mozzarella, and chicken on it.


We really had a great time and I wish we didn’t have to come back! It was one of those weekends where you just didn’t want it to end and then it did. It just flew right on by us. If you haven’t ever been on a wine trail I would really suggest it! It is something different to do that isn’t an everyday thing and you meet a lot of really nice people and sometimes run into some interesting events, haha!

Happy Anniversary!
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