Food,  Fruit,  Healthy

Pineapple Smoothie

Welp, we are back to more “normal” weather for this time of year.

Back down to the low 50s instead of the low 80s. It was SO nice having a taste of the warm weather though.

I mean the fact that we have had little to no snow this season? Kinda makes me want to cry, but I would much rather it be nice outside than have it be cold with no snow.

I know sounds weird right? But…

What is the fun of it being super cold out if there is no snow to play in? I would much rather there be pretty snow to look at or play in than just have it frigid outside.

My snowboarding suffered BIG time this season. BLAH!

So I have been telling you all that I have been trying to integrate more protein into my diet. I have been doing better!

I have been having a shake/smoothie almost every single day and if I don’t I try to substitute it with something else like a Greek yogurt or a Luna bar.

Granted those substitutions don’t get me anywhere close to what I would be with a smoothie (1 smoothie with skim milk = 25g protein!); at least it is something right?

Did you know that the average woman aging from 25-40 years old should be getting somewhere between 46-50g of protein A DAY! That’s right a day!

OK, so being someone who does not eat meat that often? That is actually pretty tough. Think about it. Do you get that much protein in your diet?

AND on top of that, because I am so active…I need even MORE protein.


So much to think about as you get older. Seems strange for a 27 year old to be talking to you about protein huh? haha

Well the reason I bring it up is because my doctor told me I needed to get more protein in my diet. Being my normal self, yea yea no problem.

When I started to look into it I noticed how much protein I actually don’t eat in a day. When it comes to veggies and fruit? Forget about it, if anything I go OVER the daily needs for those.

Have you ever tracked your protein? It might be surprising like it was for me too!

AND HEY! If you aren’t getting enough? This smoothie will help you out!

Ingredients for Smoothie:

  • 1 cup frozen pineapple
  • 1 small apple
  • 1/2 cup organic orange juice
  • 1/4 cup skim milk
  • 1 tablespoon milled flax seed
  • 1 scoop vanilla whey protein powder
  • 1 teaspoon of organic Agave nectar
  • 1/2 cup ice
  • Add water for wanted consistency

Toss all the ingredients in a blender and BAM, smoothie time! So easy huh? I love how easy making smoothies is.

I am sure a lot of you are like me with being pretty busy during the week so anything that ends up being quick to make and delicious to eat? I am ALL for it!

ANNNND guess what?? (No, not chicken butt Patrick)

A couple minutes and you have half the daily needs for your protein. SCORE!

That is really what gets me excited. Something SO simple helps me to get what I need daily. PLUS, most of the time when I make them…makes me feel like I am getting a treat. I normally use fruit so they are a bit sweeter. Man oh Man…winning left and right!

Have a good Monday everyone!

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