Zucchini Pizza Boats
End of summer…
Means creative summer dishes.

But first, how the heck is it already September? How did that happen?
It seems like yesterday we were all watching the TV and social media to see what would unfold with Covid and the month of March was PAINFUL…
and then all of a sudden…
It is September. How’s that happen?
I hope you are all hanging in there. I have felt extra isolated lately. I feel like I am ready for a little bit of normalcy in my life.
Maybe not the returning back to the office part, at least not full weeks. I like working from home.
However, being someone who lives alone with her doggo… it is nice sometimes to have social interactions with folks in the office.
I will say though, working from home and having limited exposure out in the world, I haven’t gotten ANY colds or sniffles or anything of the like. Not coming in contact with people has been nice in that way.

I also find myself becoming more and more stressed in crowds or at busy stores… when prior to Covid I didn’t feel like. I mean sometimes in a crowded amusement park or concert I would get anxiety… but I definitely feel more stressed now being in public.
I don’t mind this face being my office-mate..
I mean how could you be mad at that face checking in on you?!
Enjoy this simple summer recipe, it is easy and delicious.
September 1st Moon Forecast = Waxing Gibbous
10Zucchini Pizza Boats
Course: DinnerDifficulty: Easy4
2-3 garlic gloves, diced
1/2 purple onion, diced
4oz of mushrooms, chopped
2 tablespoons olive oil, divided
1 teaspoon salt, divided
1 teaspoon pepper, divided
1 teaspoon red pepper flake
4-5 small baby eggplant, chopped
2 zucchini, halved and seeds removed
1 cup cherry tomatoes
1/4 cup shaved parmesan
- Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. Take one tablespoon of olive oil and rub on the halved zucchini along with the divided salt and pepper. Place into the oven for 10 minutes while you prep the filling.
- Pour other 1 tablespoon of olive oil into the pan with salt, pepper and red pepper flake. Put in the garlic once hot – about medium/hot temperature.
- Add in onion until browning.
- Add in mushrooms and let brown as well, normally takes about 3-4 minutes on medium/high heat. Try not to over stir, will help the browning process.
- Add in the eggplant. If it seems a little dry, feel free to add in some water. You want the mixture to be reduced quite a bit so it doesn’t add any water to the zucchini.
- Add in tomatoes at the last second so that they remain in tact.
- Remove the zucchini after 10 minutes and let cool for a few minutes. Fill with tomato mixture.
- Sprinkle with parmesan and cook for 20 minutes.