House,  life

2020, can you not?

Welp. I said to myself I would write at least one post a week when I decided to start the blog back up…

Guess mother nature had another idea…

Last week on Tuesday New England got HAMMERED with the hurricane. It literally still looks like a bomb went off in my town.

I hardly know one person in CT that didn’t either have damage from trees falling from the absolutely crazy 75mph winds OR lost power.

I think just about everyone I know lost power for at least 2 days. I was without power for 4 days, thank god it came back but I was still without internet for a day after that.

It seems like every few years in New England there is some sort of crazy storm that comes and puts everyone out of commission for at least at a week.

All things considered, I was really lucky. I only had damage to my fence in my backyard, 3 pretty large trees fell. I also had a pretty big branch fall in my front yard but all in all, I was really lucky.

Thank goodness that my new house in CT has a fire pit. That thing was a godsend during the storm for the clean up. It took about 12 hours to burn all the branches with extra to spare for later in the fall/winter.

But seriously… 2020… can you not!?

I think we have had enough at this point, it has been a pretty crazy year and it is only August.

I wonder what 2021 has in store…

August 10th Moon Forecast = Waning Gibbous

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