
I have found that resilience is everywhere if you really want to see it.
Think about it, have you ever seen a dog or cat who had to have a leg removed and after? They keep walking, jumping, running… like nothing happened. #kaitskitties
I have a friend who was diagnosed with Breast Cancer in her early 30s and she to this day still amazes me at how resilient she is. Every day she keeps going after one hurdle after the next. #tamsarmy
Resilience is something I think we take for granted. Something we don’t always recognize.
But you are.
We all are. In our own ways.
My therapist told me to read a book called “Light is the New Black” by Rebecca Campbell. One portion of the book really spoke to me, it said:
“I pray you hit rock bottom and you discover that what you actually thought was rock bottom was a large ledge, so you come crashing down even further.
and as you land, you are cracked open into a million – no – a billion pieces – and you have no idea how to put them back together.
I pray that while you are down in the depths, the only person you have to keep you company is you. I pray that you choose to gather up the pieces…and with no idea how and in what order, then begin putting them back together, one by one.“
I believe that everyone’s tragedies, losses, sorrows and hurt happened for you, not TO you. I am grateful for the things that broke me down and cracked me open because believe me when I tell you, the world needs you to be open.
Maybe that is what true resilience is. Being open even after being cracked open.