Grilled Corn
So remember how I used to be a food blogger?!
Life has gotten in the way quite a bit.
Once upon a time…
Before I owned a house…
Became a wife…
Got a puppy…
Worked full-time…
I could regularly do, just that.
Lately, it has been quite the struggle.
Now that Patrick travels pretty much every month, a lot of the responsibility of the house falls on me.
And that’s okay. It is part of it, but it definitely doesn’t leave a lot of free time for me.
I am fine with being alone.
I have never been one of those people that is afraid to be alone, so the traveling doesn’t bother me.
It is the fact that there is just so much to do.
By the time I get Teddy after work with my mom (which has been a blessing), get home, get settled, grab a quick bite from something I prepared over the weekend, get Teddy dinner, make my lunch for the next day, mix my pre-workout for my morning sweat sesh’s… it is already 9!
Time flies…
However, this weekend I had a rare moment when I actually had time to take pictures of the food I made.
Imagine that.
Summer is coming and something about the BBQ makes me feel like summer is here.
When Josh, Gina and I were little I remember driving around with Mom and Dad and we would try to guess what people were grilling. “Chicken!” , “Definitely burgers”.
So to me, grilling is a part of summer.
The little local farmers market had corn on sale so I thought why not, I’ll get some and do something fun!
Random side note that I promise has a purpose:
My garden is also doing amazing! I am hoping that this year I will have some luck with everything. Last year was a weird year for tomatoes, tons of peppers but no tomatoes.
My herbs are doing amazing as well!
Which leads me to my point…
I had to cut back my chives because once they go to flower that is what you are supposed to do.
So after I cut them back I had A TON of chives and chive flowers that I needed to do something with.
I made chive butter.
Teddy also enjoyed a flower or two.
Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love that?
So the side note is to say that I had a whole crap-ton of of butter and I needed to do something with it…
And leeetttsssss be honest, you can’t eat corn without butter.
Basically all you do is take softened butter of your choice, I used grass fed because I think it tastes better. You could use regular butter or ghee as well.
Add in the flavors you want. Fresh chive, the flower, garlic, salt, red pepper, basil. Anything you like!
Mix it up and put it into a container.
Keep it in the fridge or freeze. Either works great. Depending on how quickly you plan on eating it 😉
Back to the corn…
It has to be the easiest thing in the world and I am definitely going to be doing it again.
Use this method: https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1017556-grilled-corn

Angie@Angie's Recipes
GOOD to see you update the blog, Raven!! Those grilled corns look really great. We need more puppy pictures.
Thanks Angie!! How are you lady?! So good to hear from you xo!
I promise to post more pictures of the pup soon!
Kayle (The Cooking Actress)
life is crazy and blogging is tiiiime consuming! so I know we allll understand you not being super active-I’m always just happy to see a post 🙂 LOOVE this grilled corn, it looks delicious. Corn is one of my faves 🙂
Yes maam! I need to re-commit to it! I used to love doing it, I am gonna make myself a promise to get back into it more!
I love corn too!
I love Teddy!!! And I hear ya on how a puppy can disrupt your day! Your grilled corn looks fantastic 🙂
Totally! Thanks Liz! I love seeing little Izzy updates!
Ramona W
Teddy is beyond adorable!! I have to cut my chive flowers too… good tip. I always forget to prune my herbs to keep them healthy. Love the grilled corn… I could eat it at every meal. 🙂
Yes maam! Keeps those herbs super healthy! I have so much basil right now I don’t know what to do with it!!
Jessica @ A Kitchen Addiction
Teddy is so cute! I’ve been trying to convince my husband that we need dog 🙂
Grilled corn = summer around here! This looks great!
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table
I hear you on the non-blogging. I’m in the same boat but eeking out twice a week. Now I must go make chive butter. That sounds so good!
Right?! It is quite tasty! 😉
Viviane Bauquet Farre
I love that photo of Teddy with the chive blossom — so cute! Here’s wishing your garden is as bountiful as ever this year 🙂
Isn’t he a doll?? Thanks Viviane!