Food,  Fruit,  Healthy

Paleo Banana Bread


Meet Teddy!

My cuddly little ball of fur that I welcomed into my home on April 18th! This little nugget was born on February 23rd 2015, and at 9 weeks old he is already 12lbs! He is going to be a monster 🙂 It has been quite an adjustment the past few days. Teddy has been giving us a run for our money, but that is ok! I am loving every second. Mornings look like this now…


He is constantly underfoot. ESPECIALLY when I am in the kitchen. Which, let’s be honest…is all the Paleo Banana Bread-1-3time. If I’m not sleeping, at the gym, or eating…I am in the kitchen making something haha So sad, but so true.

Which brings me to the delicious bread that I made… I always have been a very big fan of bananas. Especially with peanut butter! But, in bread form…probably my favorite kind of bread.

My Mom always makes this amazing banana bread, sometimes zucchini, and while I can’t ever compete with her amazing recipe…I think that this one was pretty darn good. I am all about the crust on the outside and the soft, moist inside when it comes to banana bread.

I mean…. is there any other way to have it? Definitely not. And if you say there is, we can’t be friends anymore.

OK, maybe I’ll forgive you for disagreeing with me… Nope, can’t do it. This bread had a PERFECT crust on the outside and amazing soft center.

Side bar: Seriously…that face <3


Dead. End Side Bar.

I was a little skeptical of the recipe to be honest. This does call for coconut flour and most of time when I use it in breads, it is dry and gross. Paleo Banana Bread-1-4This?! Not at all.

I also learned some pretty important things about coconut flour after I successfully made this bread and did a little research.

Fun facts about Coconut Flour:

Coconut flour is dried coconut meat. Sounds gross, right? The coconut meat gets dried and then ground and you are left with flour. Kind of like almond flour.

It is used in A LOT of gluten free baking. However, have you ever tried to substitute Coconut flour for another flour and ended up with a mess?!

:: looks around the room :: I have!

The reason for that is coconut flour is ULTRA-absorbent. Think sponge. So, in general when you are adapting a recipe.. (I highly suggest you make the recipe once the way it is called for AND THEN try to substitute so you know how the ingredients will react) .. 1 cup white flour = 1/4 cup coconut flour Intense right!? How on earth could 1/4 cup be substituted for a WHOLE cup. Trust me. Really.

Coconut flour is also super high in fiber. One thing to note is that if you do decide to bake with coconut flour…you need to increase the liquids. This recipe has 4 eggs. Yes. 4. Eggs do a great job of giving this bread some structure when it cooks because there is an absence of gluten.

So I wouldn’t recommend cutting down on any of the liquid in coconut flour recipes. It is needed.

Paleo Banana Bread-1-6

For more info, check our All Day I Dream About Food, she has a great post here, that really helped me out when I was curious.

One other thing to note…does it taste like coconut? Well… It does and it doesn’t, depending on what you do with it.Paleo Banana Bread-1-2 Coconut flour does tend to have a very coconut type smell, which for me is great! For my hubby? Not so much.

So, if you have a picky eater when it comes to coconut flour try to mask the flavor with other spices and flavorings to try and overpower the coconut flavor.

This recipe only calls for, 1/4 cup of coconut flour…and to make it so Patrick would eat it (and boy did he!), I used the banana, almond butter and cinnamon.All these things tend to have a stronger flavor that you can pick up in a baked good.

So, that worked for me. If you are using it in other ways, try and think of creative ways to overpower the coconut flour… garlic? basil? lemon flavor? The possibilities are endless.

Really though, if you are a newbie at coconut flour…don’t just jump right in. You HAVE to experiment with it, because this ingredient is testy.

Like…real testy.

Either way, this bread was delicious. I am definitely going to make it again. Any time I find something the hubby will eat without complaining, because a regular in our recipe rotation.

Paleo Banana Bread-1

Oh hey, puppy paw! WP_20150418_011Enjoy!

Adapted from Recipe:

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