2013 in Review & Some Resolutions (kinda)
Happy 2014!!!
I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and a great New Years Eve.
It seemed to go by so very fast for me this year, I don’t know why. I suppose it is because I have a lot going on. But 2013 flew by me.
I know this year is going to go even faster because I am getting married this year!!
I cannot believe it. It has almost been a year since I have been engaged. Seems so odd, but exciting at the same time.
Patrick and I have been doing well on the planning front, well I have been doing well on the planning front. haha
We so far…have your venue booked, date set, DJ booked, hotels booked, wedding party picked, bridesmaids dresses picked, I am stuck between 2 wedding dresses but I am sure that will be this month, Save the Dates are being sent this month, colors picked, favors decided on, cake is decided on.
Trying to think of what else I am missing?? I don’t know, but we are doing good I think. We have a tasting in March at our venue which we are very excited about.
So this post today is a review on 2013 through the blog and some sorta kinda resolutions I have for 2014. Let’s start with the food first huh!
These posts below were some of my favorite and also the most popular I had over the year.
- Vanilla Cupcakes
- Banana Bread with Glaze
- Lemon Bourbon Cake Doughnuts
- Blue Cornmeal Waffles
- Smashed Roasting Potatoes
- Blueberry Rolls
- Cocoa-Caramel Bourbon Truffles
- Pickled Jalapeño Deviled Eggs
- Baked Zucchini Chips
- Baked Eggs
- Cheesecake Filled Strawberries
- Quinoa Turkey Meatballs
- “Cookie Dough” Bites
- Spicy Oatmeal Cookie Crisps
- Cinnamon Streusel Oat Scones
It was a big year for RavieNomNoms! Being able to work with Cooking Light has really been amazing for me. I have always been a fan and I have been able to do some great things with them this year.
I was invited to an event in NYC (Big Apple Block Party), where my family and I got special access and ate some really amazing food! I have been able to share books with you all with giveaways.
My Pickled Jalapeño Deviled Eggs were also selected as a Top 50 recipe for the Hellman’s contest this year. Woot!
RavieNomNoms was also featured in the following places:
Just to name a few. It has been a good one and I thank all my foodie friends for the constant support. It really does mean a lot!
Now to the “Resolutions”.
I don’t normally make resolutions because I feel like you should always be trying to better yourself. However, this year I have some pretty big things going on so I wanted to make a list of things I hope I can do in the next year.
1. Try and stay centered during Wedding Planning
This is a big one for me. I tend to stress out and with a wedding I know that I am going to have a lot of things going on all at once. Don’t get me wrong, I am SUPER organized and over the top good at multi-tasking…I just know that it is going to be overwhelming.
My goal is to try and do things for myself during this time. Even if that means going to Yoga two times a week instead of one. Or buying myself a dress. Or going out with Patrick to do something other than Wedding planning. I definitely think this is important
2. Complete 1000 miles with Patrick in 2014
Now before you get all freaked out. Please know that Patrick and I are a very active couple. We work out 6-7 times a week and we like it that way. We wanted to do something that was together since we have so many things going on this year. Something that wasn’t to do with the wedding.
It is only 2.74 miles a day and to complete them it doesn’t have to be running! If you do miles on the Elliptical? It counts. Running? It counts. Stairmaster? Bike? It counts. High Intensity Intervals? Yoga? It counts!
Here is the breakdown outside of the mileage you can get from a machine. If you do 30 minutes of High Intensity Inverval Training that counts towards 3 miles of our goal. If it is 45 minutes of moderate cardio? 3 miles as well. And lastly 1 hour of low intensity, that is 3 miles too! (the idea for how to count miles from Toneitup.com)
3. Learn to Compliment Myself and Accept Compliments From Others
I never really give myself credit for a lot of things. Whether it is a recipe, my clothes, something I did at my job, my workouts, my body. I think a lot of women have this problem but I just don’t like it! I want to be able to be confident in myself and to really own that. There is a difference between being confident in yourself and being arrogant.
My goal is to try and wake up every morning saying something that I did well the day before. Even if it is something small like actually getting up for a work out or making a super delicious dinner. This is a difficult goal for me, but I think I can handle it. As I have gotten through my 20s, I have really begun to find myself and I really like that.
4. Eat Clean but Indulge
This is a big one for me. When I say “eat clean” …I mean eat healthy. I am not one of those people that believes that sugar is bad. I am not one of those people that thing carbohydrates are the devil. I also don’t think that having a piece of beef every now and again is going to kill you.
I am a firm believer in eating lean proteins and tons of veggies. It is good for you and your body loves it. I have to learn how to indulge and not feel guilty. I love indulging every once in a while, but even when it is just once in a while? I feel myself feeling guilty. No bueno. I am going to practice what I preach and help myself learn that even if I do splurge, I will just work it off at the gym anyways 😉
5. Have fun!
This year is going to be a roller coaster. I know it is. I am going to do my absolute best to have some fun in the midst of it! What is the point of life if you can’t have some fun while you are at it! It is going to be a struggle sometimes because I know I am going to be freaking out about fitting into my dress, or not getting my 2.74 miles in, or having a rough day at work.
The truth is, I just need to remember that tomorrow is another day and I have another crack at whatever it is I was struggling at the day before.
Happy New Year!!

Angie@Angie's Recipes
You sure had a fun and delicious year, Raven.
Happy New Year to you and your family and I look forward to reading another year of your beautiful creations!
Thank you Angie so much for your support over the past year, you have been awesome!
I am so excited for all the wonderful events that you will be experiencing this year… yay.. THE WEDDING!! Loved your review and resolutions.. Happy NEW YEAR 2014! Thank you for your friendship. 🙂
Thank you so much Ramona! I am excited too, nervous! But excited! Thank you so much for all your continued support over the years!! XO
Kayle (The Cooking Actress)
Now that I’m starting wedding planning I am relating SOOO much!!
Awww! YAY! I didn’t realize you were engaged now! Congrats pretty lady!!
Happy New Year!!! I like your last resolution the best, have fun. I bet this year will fly by with the wedding and all. I’m planning my parents 50th for May, so I will be doing mini wedding planning of sorts. I gave up with the whole resolution thing years ago, but my favorite thing to remind myself is, “Do more of what I like and less of what I don’t”. It usually helps through the rough spots. Wishing you nothing but the best this year and can’t wait to see the final dress choice.
Thanks Gina! I know sometimes I lose sight of having fun because I get so busy and I really need to get back on track with that. Thank you so much for all your love over the past few years! It means a lot!
So exciting about your soon to be wedding day!! Happy New Year lovely! Look forward to another year of sharing recipes together 🙂 Sounds like you have a fabulous 2014 coming!!
Thank you so much Kristina! It should shape up to be quite a year! Can’t wait to see what you come up with in 2014!
Jessica @ A Kitchen Addiction
How did I miss those blueberry rolls?! They look amazing! Love your goals for this year, especially #5!!
I don’t know! They were to die for! Thanks so much Jessica!
Viviane Bauquet Farre - Food and Style
Raven, thanks for all you’ve done for us readers over the last year… and congratulations again on your upcoming wedding! Nice to see those bourbon truffles on this list — I loved those when you posted them.
Thank you so much Viviane! You have been such a support for me over the years, I can’t thank you enough for all your kind words and all the positive feedback you always give.
This is such a great post! Oh my gosh, how much things can change and evolve in a year. So fun to look back at it all. And your goals are right on the money! I think we have a few of the same!
I know right?! It is crazy how much things change, but this has been good! Here is to a happy and healthy 2014!!
Happy New Year, Raven! I’m looking forward to all your posts in 2014!
Right back atcha Liz!!