Cooking Light,  Fun,  Giveaway

Thanksgiving & a Giveaway!

**Giveaway Closed**

Hello all!

Did you have a great Thanksgiving?

Stuff yourself with far too much food?

Spend time with loved ones or friends?

My grandparents were in town this past week and it was really nice to spend some time with them. I was lucky enough to have the entire week off.The Cooks


Yes, the entire week. I know, unheard of.

Living so far away from family, I don’t get to see them that often so it was nice to see them and catch up and spend a holiday with them.

We spent time watching the Peanuts specials on ABC, which I just can never resist watching. Who doesn’t love snoopy??

We spent time screaming at the television during Penn State football, KU basketball and the Kansas City Cheifs losing.

My grandparents spent countless hours helping at our new home that Patrick and I are trying to build together.

Eating and Watching Football

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Overall, it was a pretty great holiday. I need a break from all the eating haha

I hope that your holiday was filled with laughter, love and lots of delicious NomNoms.

Today I am thrilled to be sharing with you a new book called:


The Unforgettable Photograph: 228 Ideas, Tips & Secrets for Taking The Best Pictures of Your Life.


Unforgettable Photograph by George Lange from Lange Studio on Vimeo.
It is an almost completely non-technical book that shows easy ways to take better pictures of anything. Scott Mowbray, the Cooking Light Magazine Editor, based this off of the great work of George Lange.

George Lange is a top pro photographer who devotes much of his everyday life to shooting pictures of family and friends.

Tis the season when people start to take lots of photos with their smart phones and point and shoots of food, family and friends.


Sneak peak inside!


I am excited to reveal that you can get your very own copy of this book to help you know what to look for in photos of just about anything.

If for some reason you don’t win the contest, you get this book on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

I am so excited to be giving this book away, because we food bloggers are always looking to better our photographs.

I read through the book already and it has some really interesting perspectives on photographs and capturing moments instead of staging them.

Anyways, so how do you win!?!

Each comment you leave below will count as one entry!

Comment below with the following:

  1. Your favorite thing to photograph during the holidays!
  2. Share this tweet and then comment below: “Entered the Unforgettable Photograph Book Giveaway @RavieNomNoms @CookingLight @ScottMowb #giveaway #photograph #holidays”
  3. “Like” RavieNomNoms on Facebook and let me know you did below!
  4. Share this link on Google+ and let me know you did below!
  5. Follow me on Instagram -OR-  Share one of your favorite holiday photos with “@RavieNomNoms #photographs #giveaway” and let me know you did below!
  6. Leave an extra comment about anything you want, just for good measure 😉

This giveaway will be hosted until Friday December 6th at 9am

So make sure you get your entries in prior to that!

Once the winner is announced, I will then ask you to please supply your home address to receive your very own copy of the book!

Have a great day everyone!! 🙂

**Giveaway Closed**

Kim @LivLife is my winner 🙂

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