

So it is official, I will be in Portugal in a day! AHHH!

Who is excited?!

This girl!

Needless to say I will not be posting next week because I will be traveling and most likely won’t have much internet access (thank goodness).

I am needing this break though. Looking forward to the time to relax and just kind of do what I want when I want.

Patrick and I don’t have any hard set plans, we are just going to go and see what we can see.

We have gotten some suggestions from friends and co-workers so we have a list of places to hit and if we hit them? Great, if not? Oh well.

Because you know what? We will be in PORTUGAL! haha

I hope you all have a GREAT Easter! Filled with lots of treats, love and family. I am going to miss my little Easter Bunny while we are gone.

Bun Bun

“Bawk Bawk?”

At least spring time seems to be around the corner. Things are starting to bud and turn a little more green and we have some sun finally! Which means flowers will start to bloom soon.

Sun? What is the sun?

Anyways, have a great weekend and a great first week of April everyone!

I will make sure and take lots and lots of pictures for so that you all can see them when I get back!


PS- I am so frekkin’ excited about eating some pastries over in Portugal, since I gave up sweets for Lent I haven’t had anything since mid February. What a great treat to have all their goodies as my welcome back into deliciousness.

PSS- I also think that being in Portugal for Easter is going to be pretty damn cool.

Ok…that is all.


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