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Monday Morsels

Good morning everyone!!

How was your weekend??

Mine was particularly cold. It has been rather chilly here in the East for the past 10 days.

We are supposed to get some snow and sleet today as well. Snow, yay! Sleet, boo!

I mean don’t get me wrong, I love snow. I am not afraid to drive in it, but when it becomes freezing rain?? No fun, plus people here in the Northeast don’t know how to drive in it.

It is amazing, how on earth do people who were born and raised here not know how to drive in this weather better? Unreal to me.Nommy

Anyways, I promised you all I would share with you the chocolate cake that my mom made for me for my birthday.

You know that amazing frosting I made for my vanilla cupcakes? Well her version is a chocolate one, with the same basic idea.

However I think she uses butter flavored crisco instead of  butter, because then the icing can be left out and you don’t have to worry about it melting.

Not that I had to worry about that in January, but just in case you decide to make it in the summer time. It is a good trick.

Now, I have to tell you. I can’t share the recipe for the cake. I know I know. You are saying, “But Raven…this is a FOOD blog”.

Yes, I know my fellow bloggers, but sometimes you have to keep things special.

This is one of them. I get this cake every year it seems now, and I love getting it every year, but it is something that my family and I share so you will all just have to drool at the photos 😉

And I mean seriously…look at how gorgeous that cake is?! I have an amazingly talented mother.

I told you all a while back that Patrick got a new job, he is really really enjoying it and I am so glad that he made the move.

He seems to be MUCH happier now in the new job and that is definitely a good thing.

However, he travels A LOT now. ALOT ALOT!

I know it is great for him and his career, but I miss him.

Makes it hard too since we are trying to get the new house in tip top shape and he has to travel so much. He comes home and then works at the house 🙁

I feel bad.

Speaking of the house…wanna see the powder room transformation? Sure you do…

It has been coming along quite nicely. Everyday you see a little transformation in the house and you think wow. I did that.

It is a great feeling. Something to be proud of, you know?


Powder Room 7-2012

I am always looking to find little things to go in the house now, haha. It is amazing how much your life changes once you own a house.


Blog Powder Room

I like the changes though, I think they are good.

OH, btdubs, I wanted to congratulate my girlfriend Tamara for the AMAZING job she has been doing out in Arizona for Penn State and THON. Her group raised $67,851.10 for the cause.

Last year Penn state raised $10.69 million for kids with Cancer…I know we are going to beat this year THON 2013! PSiloveU!

Have a great start to your week everyone! 🙂

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