Finding Center

It has been a while hasn’t it?
I have to admit that things have been a little hectic and I really haven’t had much time to blog or even cook really. I have been using the time to try and get myself centered.
Sometimes you need to take a break and just step back for a bit you know?
Take time to just be with the people you love and focus on yourself.
I am guilty of trying to do too much and not give myself enough rest. Taking a break from blogging has been my way of taking a few things off my plate to relax and get back to center.
Do you ever have that feeling? That things are just too overwhelming and you need to step back and just…be?
In an effort to try and center I have started taking a Bikram yoga class. I have done it before, but not since I have lived in CT.
It has really helped me take time out of my week to not think about anything but the class. How nice huh?
The classes are so intense that all you can do is focus on the movements and your breathing. There isn’t any other room in your brain for what your day has been like or what you need to do. Only you in that moment.
It is a great feeling, which I have really really needed lately. Once a week to decompress has been a much needed change.
How do you normally find center? I always love to hear how people take a break from their daily grind, sometimes people have things that you would never have thought of that they do.
Over the next few weeks I am going to be posting here and there, but nothing that will be compared to what I normally do.
Just taking it easy around these holiday days.
Doing some holiday shopping online, um hello cyber Monday. You are WAY better than Black Friday. Just saying.
Spending time with the family, Patrick, friends, and of course my little Gizzy monster.
This will be the first Christmas Patrick and I get to spend together. Last year he was in STL with family so it will be good to have our “first” Christmas actually in the same place.
We are also going to NYC this weekend to see the Nutcracker, which is probably one of my most favorite things to do ever around the Holidays.
It has been sort of a tradition that my family and I started and I am really glad that Patrick is willing to go and see it with me. Actually, he is the one who suggested it. Such a good guy 😉
Anyways, I just wanted to write a quick post to let you all know that I am still here, but just taking it easy and enjoying the holidays this year.
I appreciate how supportive you all have been with my absence. I am sure you all know what it is like to need just a little time off from things.
Have a good rest of your week everyone!

Dionne Baldwin
Oh you must be reading my mind! I’ve been going full speed ahead and this week my brain gave me the cue by not taking interest in something’s I would normally do during the week. It’s as if my brain says-STOP.
Yoga is great for so many reasons. What a perfect way to shit off the body and just…listen. Be still internally, besides focusing on breathing like you said. 🙂
Enjoy your holiday my dear!
Yes maam! We all need to stop and just take a breather sometimes. We get going too fast and then we forget to take care of ourselves!
I can empathize with you completely. I feel like Christmas is coming way too fast, and I still have a lot to do. Also, I have been sick, so that has put me behind. I will just take a deep breath, and do what I can do, and enjoy the holiday.
Enjoy your holiday with Patrick. There is always something special about your first Christmas together.
Thank you Becky, I am really looking forward to the holidays with him. Will be a nice change of pace you know?
Take it easy and I hope you feel better!
Welcome back my friend! Glad to hear you and your sweetie will be spending the holidays together. That will be very special!! Enjoy your Christmas tradition of the Nutcracker. I am sure it will be magical. 🙂
Thank you Ramona! We are very excited about it 🙂
Kim - Liv Life
Yep… I know what you mean!! I actually call it finding my balance. Balance (or center) in life is so important and I think all of us are probably guilty of abusing it. Just wait till you have kids!!
Take time, enjoy, live. It’s those moments that will bring you the most out of life.
So happy for you and Patrick and your Christmas! And Liv will be ultimately envious of you going to NYC to see the Nutcracker! She is doing her first ballet production on pointe in the recital this year and earned the spot of the Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland. She’s pretty darn excited. Next up on her excitement list is her own trip the to East Coast on Spring Break. She is doing a Virginia, Boston, Wasington DC, NYC trip, and will get to see her first Broadway show (without me…)! She is beyond excited.
Keep the balance my friend!!
I could not agree more Kim! Balance is SO important. We all lose sight of that sometimes.
That is amazing for Liv!! Congrats to her for being amazing and getting a lead role like that and on pointe! Kudos!! She will have so much fun on that trip. All those cities are just too much fun. I am partial to Boston, but that could be because it is the closest one to me 😉
Angie@Angie's Recipes
Besides baking, yoga is my favoruite way to relax and find the balance.
I wish you too a happy holiday season, Raven!
You too Angie! I am glad that you find yoga a good way to relax as well, amazing isn’t it?
Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table
I live in that feeling. LOL!
Have fun in NYC – I’ve always wanted to go for Christmas.
Anita at Hungry Couple
Everyone needs to find balance for themselves and prioritize what is actually important so I’m glad you did. The blog will be here when you’re feeling more centered or maybe it won’t be important anymore. Either way it will be what works for you. I hope you enjoy your holiday weekend in my city. I don’t always love everything about New York but it certainly is a gorgeous place to be around the holidays. Enjoy!
Jen @JuanitasCocina
Happy holidays, sweet lady! May you find time for yourself, Patrick, and to just breathe this holiday season!
Yeah, I shared 8 posts in 5 days…talk about insanity! I need to take a cue from you!!! Enjoy your holidays!!! xo
Kim Bee
I hit the wall on vacation a few months ago in a big bad way. Ended up in the hospital and having to have my hubby drop work and fly across the country to drive us home. I should have listened to my body sooner. I took some time off after, needed to clear my head and recover. We all go too hard too much. So happy you saw it coming and headed it off. And took great measures to help yourself restore balance. Love yoga but never tried Bikram. Good for you. xx
i was missing you and i am glad to hear you are fine. i totally understand you taking some time off for yourself…i think that’s a very healthy thing to do 🙂
have fun in NYC!
Thank you Abeer! I appreciate your support! I am looking forward to this week with your posts!