Fun,  House

Colors for the House

Hello everyone

I trust your weekend is going well. It has been a little rainy and gloomy here, which is okay because I have been stuck inside for the past 4 days.

My wisdom teeth are official out. Not fun.

I have to say that if I could have skipped that part of my life I would haha.

The surgery didn’t go quite as well as they had hoped. I tend to have veins that are hard to find, so that was the first hiccup. Then I ended up waking up during surgery…gah!

That was not fun, I woke up and saw all of the people around me and started to feel some pain and that was not good at all. They had to increase my anesthesia.

Which ended up giving me a longer recovery time. What should have taken me about 30 minutes to come out of, it took me almost 2 hours.

On top of that, one of my bottom wisdom teeth gave them quite the fight so I am pretty swollen still even 3 days after the surgery now.

I was figuring that I wouldn’t do very well with the pain medications and coming off the anesthesia either, I unfortunately was right about that. I tend to have a very sensitive tummy anyway. I wasn’t able to keep much food down for the first 2 days.

Overall, I would say it has been less than desirable, but that was kind of expected wasn’t it? I haven’t heard too many people with stories about how they loved getting their wisdom teeth out haha.

I did however get ice cream for breakfast, which was extremely yummy. Didn’t stay in for very long, but it was delicious haha.

Patrick and my mom have been awesome. My mom was nice enough to take care of me the first 2 days which were by far the worst days. She is now traveling to DC, so Patrick has taken over.

He made me a great dinner last night of noodle soup and dumplings which was perfect for because I still cannot eat anything but soft food. I will make sure and post his recipe at some point this week, show off his skills 😉

Anyways, I wanted to let you all know that I am alive and recovering just going very slowly. I am hoping that I will be able to go back to work tomorrow. It will depend on how swollen I am and how I am feeling with the pain meds. I don’t want to be showing up and not able to do my work.

So, some exciting news. I have picked all the colors for the house. I think I told you all this in my last post on the house. I wanted to make sure I shared.

The colors I will be showing you are from some Lowe’s catalogs. I decided to stay in the more natural color scheme. That is just the kind of colors that I enjoy.

You can see that there are a lot of creams, greys, greens, yellows, whites.

I like colors that are crisp and clean looking.

I am definitely going to go a little more bold in some of the rooms. The dining room I am going to use a red that is very lush and really stands out.

Patrick and I also agreed on very deep brown for the master bedroom. I think that using a deep brown color and very very white trim will make the room really interesting to look at.

I plan on using mostly black & white furniture and then using not as dark of a brown in the master bathroom to tie the rooms in together.

We also plan on making one of the room upstairs an office and we will use a teal color that I think will look really nice. In the living room we are gong to use 2 colors for the walls.

I have always wanted to have an accent wall so we are going to try in the living room that goes into the sunroom. Since it has the fireplace I think it would be a great place to utilize painting one room a different color.

The color to the right will be the accent wall and it doesn’t look as green on the computer as it does in the samples. It is closer to a sea-foam color than a blue. You can see it above in the upper most left hand corner of the collage above.

Just wanted to show you all that we had decided on our colors and of course this will come after we fix the walls and the ceilings. All the ceilings will end up being a lighter color of the walls. My mom taught me that trick a while back that if you use the same color as the walls, but just lighter, it reflects the color of your walls even more.

Should look really nice.

I hope you all have a lovely rest of your weekend and have a good start to your week. Hopefully I will be getting back to normal soon.

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  • R.M.

    Just saying hope you feel better soon. Yes, my experience with removing my wisdom teeth was a disaster too, complete with nausea and everything. Now its just a distant memory. it will get better!

    Colors look great too.

  • Kim Kelly - Liv Life (@LivLifeToo)

    Oh, yes… I remember those pesky wisdom teeth. I think I at those little circle noodles from a can for about a week. Goodness! I can’t remember their name! Hang in there, and I hope you are all better soon. Luckily they won’t grow back!
    LOVE the colors you have picked out! I never was brave enough to do anything bold till just a few years ago and I really, really love my bold colors. They are going to look awesome!

    • RavieNomNoms

      Spaghetti O’s? Yea I have been living off some risotto my mom cooked for me. Very good but very soft. Which I suppose is best right now. Thank goodness they won’t grow back!

      Thanks so much Kim, I am excited to see how they will turn out 🙂


    Awwww. you poor thing. I remember when I got my wisdom teeth out, I had to get an extra does of anesthesia too and I didn’t wake up for a very long time just like you. I’m glad your Mom was there to take care of you… nothing is as good as mom pampering you when you are sick. You also got yourself a gem of a guy there too taking care of you. Love the wall colors… yes go bold. You will not be happy with plain old beige of eggshell walls… make your house show your personality. I wish I had done that.. before I first moved in. Now it’s a big project to paint rooms because of all the furniture. I still can’t wait to see the final “ta-da”. Feel better my friend!! ~ Ramona

  • Anita at Hungry Couple

    Awe…feel better soon. Yes, the recovery sucks. 🙂 I had the surgery done on a Thursday and took Friday off from work. I went back to work on Monday but without the Vicodin because that made me too sleepy. I got through about half the day and my boss told me I was the color of a bed sheet and to leave. I went home, took a Vicodin and went to sleep. Tuesday I was able to make it through an entire day of work before running home to my Vicodin and my bed. Every day gets better… 🙂

  • Bob R

    You should have just had them shoot you up with Novocaine rather than putting you out. That’s how I had mine out (at age 30). Everyone I know who was out had a rough time recovering. Those who just had Novocaine did better. I hope all goes well with your recovery though.

  • Kelly @ Inspired Edibles

    Sorry to hear about your experience with your teeth… not fun at all. I hope you feel better soon. On a lighter note, the spiced vinegar is a fab colour!! (and so is the name) :).

  • Dionne Baldwin

    Oh my dear I hope you are fully recovered soon. I am so sorry about your wisdom teeth. You are SO good at the picking colors and matching things. You should see my house…I think they call it “eclectic”. I have kids and that’s my excuse now, but they’re getting older so I can’t use it much longer! Hugs to you my friend.

  • Gina

    Thank you for the sweet bday wishes, sorry you have to go through that. I had it done, a million years ago and it was not fun. As for the paint, go two shades lighter than you think unless your walls are flooded with natural light or you will be living in a cave. I know this because over the years my house has been every color in the rainbow. As for the teal Martha Stewart has a color called lagoon it’s a soft teal that is in my daughters room and everyone raves about it that sees it. You can have it color matched in any brand. Hope you get well soon and can’t wait to see some finished walls.