Fun,  House

August House Update

Ever have one of those weeks where it is only Tuesday and it feels like it should be Thursday already because of all the activities you shoved into your Monday?

No? Only me? 😛

Yesterday, I managed to cram in an entire day of work, a playoff softball game at 6:45; which we unfortunately lost, but good year Sam’s. AND also went to dance from 8-1130pm.

Needless to say I am feeling a bit sluggish today.

My Starbucks is helping out that situation 🙂

Yes, I have a teddy bear at my desk. His name is Louie and he fights off unwanted guests for me. hehe

So what else is going on this week?

OH that’s right, I am getting my wisdom teeth taken out. EEK!

I am not looking forward to this endeavor at all. Not even slightly. Thursday morning. Ugh. I have heard so many horror stories with people and their wisdom teeth. I am just hoping for a smooth procedure.

Not looking forward to the not being able to work on the house, :-(. Although since I will be sitting on my rump anyways, maybe I will be able to sit out and get a tan this weekend if we get some sun. According to the weather man, I might be able to make that happen, it is a little early to tell though.

Anyways! Speaking of the house.

Patrick and I have been moving along. We got ALL the popcorn ceilings down which was such a feat and we are so glad to be done with it.

Talk about dirty jobs. Have you ever seen that show btdubs? He does some really nasty stuff.

I think that had to of been one of my least favorite things ever. I mean I have helped my parents fix up houses for as long as I can remember and we have done some pretty terrible jobs.

They had me help build all sorts of rock landscaping and cinder block retaining walls. I would rather lift cinder blocks all day a million times over than have to do the popcorn ceilings again haha.

Now all the repair work starts so that we can get the walls and ceilings finished.

My mom has decided to help us with that job. She has a long history of repairing walls and ceilings because of all the houses my dad and her have fixed up. That will be a big help.

We want to get that done before we put down our new floor so that we don’t damage it.

The new floor is GORGEOUS! I am so happy with it. We decided to go with something that was a little more rich in color than what the house has now.

So glad we decided to do that!

I mean look at it, it is so pretty. 🙂

We also bought all new fans for the house, we got a super good price for them too. Gotta love those contractor prices at Lowe’s when you buy a bunch all at once. I mean we got 5 fans for $42/each. That is like unheard of! They aren’t crappy ones either! haha

I am such a deal finder. Patrick is always so shocked to see me when I come home with a dress that cost $4. What can I say? I am a bargain shopper.

Patrick also worked to get all of the doors taken off of the kitchen cabinets. We are planning to paint them a different color and replace the fridge and dishwasher.

I want the cabinets to be a more of a cottage look. So I am going to go with an off-white color and then make them look antique. Sounds weird, but it really does look good when finished. Plus against that dark floor, the cabinets will really POP now.

Which probably means that I will want to change the back-splash tiling. haha, man does it ever end?

We are super lucky that my mom has been hanging onto a fridge in her pool house for a couple years for me whenever I moved out. It is a really nice stainless steel one. Isn’t a one of the fancy new ones with the freezer on the bottom, but I really like it. Will be perfect for Patrick and I.

We have been shopping around for dishwashers. Any suggestions on one that you have really liked? Any feedback is always appreciated.

Let’s see…what else do we have going on? OH! Colors!

I think I have decided on just about every color for the house. Which I have to say I am shocked about because I am normally so indecisive on those things.

So strange…on some things I have no hesitation but on others I go back and forth. It is normally when I have too many choice in front of me, like a menu or paint colors haha.

Either way, I will be sharing my color choices in another post because there is A-LOT of them.

Hope you all are having a great Tuesday so far!

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    I love seeing before and afters!!!! How exciting! I wish my husband was more handy and willing to do DIY… I would love to redo my kitchen. Good for you and Patrick getting all this done… you guys are rocking and rolling with getting this house into shape!! It’s a great house and I can’t wait to see the next installment of what you have done to it. 🙂

    • RavieNomNoms

      Thanks so much Ramona! I feel like we are just dragging getting things done, but I know it is coming into shape. It is just all those little things that you notice whenever you get into it. Thank you for the positivity! You are awesome! 🙂

  • Choc Chip Uru

    You guys have no procrastination set down my friend, keep up all this wonderful work 😀
    I’m loving this befores and agrees just like Ramona 🙂

    Choc Chip Uru

  • Anita at Hungry Couple

    Working on the house is tiring but exciting, too, right? Good luck with the wisdom teeth. I had mine out years ago and I was so afraid of the surgery but that part went fine and I didn’t feel a thing. The recovery is kind of sucky and you’ll be doing some sleeping due to the Vicodin (don’t let them give you Tylenol w/codine because it’s not strong enough). You’ll get kind of sick of eating pudding, too. 🙂 I lost about 5 lbs. and, at the time, I didn’t have 5 lb. extra pounds on me. Unfortunately, that’s changed! 🙂

    • RavieNomNoms

      Yes! Yes it is Anita. Haha! Yes, I have heard the recovery part isn’t all that fun. Unfortunately I have one of the wisdom teeth that is growing into my sinus cavity so they have to replace part of my bone. EEK!!! Hopefully that won’t be too terrible haha.

  • Monet

    There is always so much to do when you move into a new house…work and fun! I love picking out colors but I hate deep cleaning. And it does sound like you had a very busy day! I love the teddy bear on your desk. I have a rubber ducky on mine 😉

    • RavieNomNoms

      Haha yes the color picking is always fun, but I seem to have SUCH a hard time really just picking one. I guess that is the beauty of it, it is a house so you can do each room in a different color. hehe 😉

      Rubber ducky?! How darling!