Breakfast,  Food,  Healthy,  Vegetables

Baked Egg in a Tomato Boat

I have power!! Finally have power in the house. Thank goodness! I cannot tell you how glad I am that it is back, but not for the reasons you might think. The not having electricity wasn’t what really bothered me…I mean yes, it was horrible that I couldn’t cook like I wanted to, but not having TV or the lights wasn’t really that big of a deal to me.

Honestly, I hardly EVER turn on the TV anyways. My life is so busy most of the time that by the time I get home at night after work, dance, softball, kickball, the gym, various errands, etc. all I want to do is eat, shower, and sleep. The *best* part about having power again is that I get to shooooowwweeerrrr! <—THAT was the worst part about not having power. The having no water thing…sucked hardcore. Whew, thank goodness it is back 🙂

It sounds like we have another hurricane (Katia) coming and while it might not hit here in CT…I will be traveling in Virginia and West Virginia next week for work. YIKES! I am hoping that I won’t get stuck anywhere or I won’t be on a plane flying into nasty weather. Eeeek!

However, next weekend is going to be a blast! I can’t wait to go to PSU and see my sweet Tam Tam and show Patrick around my old stomping ground. There are SO many places I want to hit while we are there…isn’t that how it goes? So many places, so little time…

The recipe I am sharing with you today is a recipe that I came across on here. I saw this and thought to myself, what an interesting take on a baked egg right? I mean, it is summer time so tomatoes are coming in faster than we all can handle. After getting home last night, I looked in the fridge and came up with the following…

Ingredients for Baked Eggs:

  • 1 medium sized tomato
  • 7-8 fresh spinach leaves
  • 1 tablespoon of feta cheese
  • 1 large egg
  • salt and pepper to taste

**please keep in mind that this was just for me, so this is ingredients for only 1 serving**

Preheat oven to 375º

Take your tomato and cut a circular hole in the top. Clean out all the seeds and as much liquid as you can.

In a separate bowl place your spinach, feta, pepper, salt, and egg. Gently stir together. I didn’t break the yolk, but if you prefer your eggs that way. Scrambl’em right up!

Pour the egg mixture into the tomato.

Place in the oven for 20 minutes or until your egg has your preferred degree of doneness.

Voila! Baked Egg in a Tomato Boat…this is definitely going to be a recipe that I make again. It was quick, easy and super healthy too! I paired the lovely tomato with my 7 grain english muffins. Which are only 130 calories each! Love it.

I hope you all are having a great week thus far. Mine is actually going by kind of fast. I can’t believe it is September either! Absolute craziness. This summer flew by!

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