Appetizer,  Food,  Healthy

Homemade Tortilla Chips

You know what I love? Chips and salsa. I am one of those people who could munch on chips, salsa, and guacamole all summer long. I went to Mexico a few years ago and let me tell you, I think I ate about 17 lbs of guacamole in a week. Not kidding. I ate it with breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Any time I could get away with it I was eating it…it is good for you right?? haha It is tough right now because avocados are really not all that good this time a year in New England. However, I did have salsa that I made in the summer that I had canned. Which makes me happy…all the fresh veggies in the salsa just make me want to…well salsa! haha 😛

I really was craving guacamole so I went to the store hoping beyond all hope that I would find some avocados that were ripe and ready to go. 😀 I was pleasantly surprised when the store down the street from work had some organic avocados that looked perfect for guacamole! YAY! I got home from work and impatiently made the guacamole ready to dig in when I realized…I have no chips :-(. How the heck did I manage to get all excited about salsa and guacamole and not even have any tortilla chips to eat them with?? BIG TIME BUMMER! I frantically looked all over to see what I could use instead…baked lays? No way. Pretzels? Not so much.

Now, I have a bowl of guacamonkey (don’t ask hehe) and salsa sitting on my counter and I have NOTHING to eat them with. *LIGHT BULB* I have soft taco shells in the freezer…I could make chips out of those no? Heck yes! I ended up slicing up the soft taco shells and baking them to make the most delicious chips to dip into my goodies!

Ingredients for Chips:

  • 5-6 soft tortillas shells
  • cooking spray
  • salt
  • chipotle seasoning
  • chile pepper (crushed red pepper)

Preheat oven to 375º

Cut your tortillas into 8 slices. Place them onto your cooking sheet (not over-lapping) and spray with cooking spray. Sprinkle with salt and seasonings.

Put in oven and bake for about 15 minutes. Make sure to turn them half way through.

There ya go! Simple and easy, and better for you than store bought or fried chips, homemade tortilla chips!

Like I said previously, I am in love with avocado. I actually used to not be a fan of it at all when I was younger and then something just clicked in me and I just started to want avocado with everything! I am glad I realized how awesome they are.

Ingredients for Guacamole:

  • Avocado
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Tomato
  • Jalapeno
  • Red pepper flake
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Lemon Juice

This is so super simple. All you have to do is take the avocado with the lemon juice and smash it with a fork. Then add in all your other ingredients and stir together. How easy is that?!

You can play around with the portions of the ingredients, that is why I didn’t put measurements. I know some people love more onion, while I don’t. I personally put more jalapeno in my guacamole than anything else. I love the tomato in the guacamole though, it gives it such a nice extra flavor that I just love.

Hope you all are having a great Tuesday!

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