Breakfast,  Food

Cinnamon French Toast

Who doesn’t love French Toast? Especially on the weekend, I mean really…can there be anything more delicious that a couple pieces of french toast on a cold morning?

When I was little this was something my Dad used to make for me a lot before school. Granted it wasn’t fancy french toast, but I ALWAYS looked forward to it. He always made us the best breakfast though! My personal favorite is when he used to make toast and he would put butter AND peanut butter (crunchy, naturally) on it. That was SO good! Really bad for you but sooooo good! haha Thanks for being awesome Dad! 😉

For the past 5 days maybe I have been sick with bronchitis, 🙁 big time bummer. The doctor has me set up on all sorts of weirdo drugs and it has not been fun at all. I missed 2 days of work last week, which has really set me behind… and to put the icing on the cake, I have to travel to Detroit for work tomorrow. Which will not be fun for a few reasons…1, I still don’t feel 100% back to my normal self yet. 2, we are supposed to have yet another snow storm tomorrow into Wednesday. And 3, well…I mean…it is Detroit. haha. Sorry for any of you that live in the Detroit area I don’t mean to offend anyone. I am sure it has its high points but I don’t look forward to going there. Maybe it is because every time I go there, I have to go for work…blah!

I needed a pick me up since I wasn’t feeling so good and I knew my trip to Detroit was quickly approaching…so what better pick me up is there besides making yourself a sweet and delicious breakfast? There is none I say!

Ingredients for French Toast:

  • White/wheat bread (preferably old bread)
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup of half and half
  • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons sugar

Easy as pie people, here we go: put your eggs, half and half, cinnamon, and sugar into a bowl and beat until all the ingredients are mixed together.




How easy is that?! Now all you do is heat up your pan/griddle. Put some cooking spray or butter on the surface for some extra help when it comes to putting your toast down. Place each individual slice into the eggwash and then place it onto the hot griddle. Flip over the toast once it gets nice and golden brown.

Personally, I like 3 things on my french toast…


Powdered Sugar.

and Syrup.


This definitely made me forget for a while that I was sick and I honestly think it just takes a little bit of sweetness sometimes to do that.

Have a great start to your week everyone!

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