PSU Visit
Ah yes, the Christmas season is back. This is one of my trees that I have so far this year (I have 2). This one is my Penn State tree. I bleed Blue & White people! I really do, if you haven’t noticed already in my numerous posts that I have made. You know what else I have???
I was not lying when I said I was a Peanuts Fan (please note how much extra I love this because they have PSU stuff on)
I just recently made a trip to PSU with my girlfriends from College. It is about a 6 hour drive for me from where I live in CT. I fill up my MP3 player with tunage and just make the trip. This time I stopped in Selinsgrove, PA to pick up one of my best friends Tamara on the way to State College. She lives in Arizona now and has for a couple years now, but she was able to come home this Thanksgiving to visit with her family and see her friends too! YAY!
I picked her up and you know what the first thing we did was? Well besides scream and jump on top of each other for a hug, haha….go get a Yuengling. That’s right! Then we went and picked up 5 cases because I had to bring some back for some people in CT haha 😉
Oh yea, believe it!
We met our other girlfriend Kait up at State College and we went right out to celebrate being with each other. It is so nice to be able to get back in touch with people and share all those memories you have from years and years. These girls were my support and backbone in college. Some of the most thoughtful, strong, and smart women I have ever had the pleasure to meet. They are truly my best friends and I have a feeling they always will be.
This past week was the LAST Penn State game of the season. Unfortunately we lost 22-28 but I was able to spend it with 2 of my most favorite girls and that made it totally worth it. Here are some pictures of our weekend together…We made sure to do all the things that we normally do. Which includes taking pictures EVERYWHERE! haha
Oh how I adore these girls! I do not have any fabulous pictures of food this time, but I wanted to share with you some of the good times that I had in State College…

I love us so much! The pictures look awesome. I’m going to have to get some printed for frames! <3
I know Tam! Me too! 🙂
What a GREAT weekend!
Dionne Baldwin
I love your photos!! I’m glad you had a blast! Maybe next time they can steal a win. 🙂 (We’re all about coping with defeat here in Seattle. Good thing we’re loyal to our teams!)
I love your tree! I want mine up!! That’s adorable I used to love Peanuts when I was little and now they are everywhere since they’re coming back “in” apparently! I even had a metal Peanuts lunchbox. 😀
Yea I love love love Peanuts. I am actually working on my Peanuts themed tree tonight! I have all these ornaments that I have collected for years and years…I’ll make sure to post it!
Magic of Spice
What fabulous fun, you all look so great together…
Two trees at the same time?
Yea, 2 trees…I get it from my mom…she has a tree in every room of her house during Christmas time. We are what you would call “crazy for Christmas” haha
Green Girl
yee, another tree is up and yours look so great. Mine has just the lights on, still have to put the ornaments.
It seems like you had lots of fun, good for you
hope you’re having a wonderful rest of the week
Aw thank you so much! I go a little crazy with the Christmas trees sometimes. I just finished my Snoopy tree too! So happy about that one haha
Love just shines through this post-love of friends, Peanuts, Christmas, Penn State – perfect for the season. It brought lots of cheer!
I am it did Claudia!
Kim - Liv Life
Wow, you tree is beautiful! I have mine up and only half decorated. We all started and then got sidetracked and never got back to it.
Looks like you girls had a blast! You got some adorable pics, perfect memories!
Thank you Kim! I just finished my other tree last night. I get a little crazy about Christmas time hehe.
We did have a great time, thanks for visiting always love your comments!
Love the tree and that you have 2! I’m jealous.
Great photos! Your Christmas tree is beautiful! I love all of the blue on it :)!