One of my favorites!
I went on a strange kick back when I was in college to go on a diet. I do believe my grandparents were having their 50th wedding anniversary in Florida…soooo, my mom and I decided that we needed to lose a couple of pounds each so that we looked our best. Well, we decided that the South Beach Diet was the way to go….
It definitely was NOT the way to go…at least not for me. I was so miserable on that diet…and I mean, m i s e r a b l e! I am not one of those people who can go without carbs. I know it works for some people, but it was not my thing. Honestly, I really don’t believe in dieting anyways…I am more of a moderation is the best way to go kind of gal. But, maybe that is because that is what works for me. I don’t think people should have to deprive themselves of everything they love. It is all about eating those things you love, just not in GINORMOUS (yea I made up a word) portions. That’s my two cents.
What I was getting at there, even though the diet was so not for me, there are some recipes from then that I still use to this day because they were very good and this happens to be one of them. So simple, so delicious. You will love it!
Ingredients for Roasted Mozzarella Tomatoes:
Medium tomato
Olive oil
Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
Preheat oven to 350°

*Make sure that you rub the oil on the inside and outside of the tomatoes*

*Place in the oven you have preheated and let cook for about 20 minutes or until the skin of tomato is starting to break and the cheese is starting to brown*
This is one of my absolute favorites and it goes well with any kind of meat really. I had it with chicken this past time but it goes well with steak as well. Hope you are all having a great holiday weekend! Enjoy!

Just thinking about all of that gorgeous cheese melted inside fresh tomatoes is making my mouth water!
Yum! That looks so delicious! Going to have to try it soon!
I’ve done South Beach before too. I have a love/hate relationship with it. First two weeks are killer. I totally agree with you regarding moderation being the key to a healthy weight. But, South Beach definitely taught me some useful tips regarding keeping my blood sugar levels more even and feeling fuller longer.
Love the tomatoes! Thanks for a great idea!
I have to agree that it taught me a lot of things about blood sugar, etc. It just definitely was not for me. I mean I was able to lose weight on the diet…I was just so cranky when I couldn’t have a piece of bread OR that I couldn’t have fruit the first 2 weeks, haha. Oh man, killer! I still use recipes from that diet all the time though, I just mingle them with other things now 🙂
mmmm, those look delicious! so juicy and gooey from the cheese. i love stuffed veggies and this looks great!
5 Star Foodie
YUM! I will be making this for lunch tomorrow!
Let me know how it turns out for you!
Angie's Recipes
Awesome! Looks totally mouthwatering with all the gooey melting cheese!
denise @ quickies on the dinner table
Just 5 ingredients, so easy and so delectable! This is the kind of recipe that convinces me I could be happily vegetarian!
Mmmm, these sound so good right now! I don’t know how people give up carbs either!
For the record, I wouldn’t go low carb if I didn’t have to! But really, tomatoes and cheese…pretty low carb, actually and I would be happy to eat it!
Magic of Spice
I like quick and easy, especially when it’s this good 🙂