
Family, Friends, & Fabulous Food

I love cooking for people. I don’t think there is anything better than when you have people you love around you enjoying a great meal.

My parents hosted a get together for some close family friends who came to visit from PA. Our visitors used to be our neighbors when we lived in PA. When I was a teenager, I babysat their children (2 boys) for spending money in high school (and middle school too I believe). Let me tell you, there is nothing in the world that will make you feel older than seeing someone you used to change diapers for be, I don’t know, give or take, a good FOOT taller than you! AND also being 17 and 14! AHH! Sheesh.

I was able to take a few snapshots of the delicious food that my Mom and I made for our guests. Nothing too exciting and nothing too fancy, but I thought I would post some pictures of the evening. It is always a good time to cook with my Mom…considering she has taught me almost everything I know about cooking, although I am sure if you talk to her she has taught me everything I know about cooking, hehe ;-). I have to say, she is probably one of the most talented bakers I have ever seen. She has her own baking business and does fabulously with it. What can I say? Cooking has always been a big part of my life and I had a great teacher along the way! I intend to keep it that way too 🙂


Say “hi” Mom!

I used to make these for the boys when they were little. They still enjoy them to this day 🙂

Food and Friends by the pool!

ahh yes, and we mustn’t forget dessert.

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