{{GUEST POST}} Chocolate Chia Pudding with Curry and Comfort
I have been very blessed to have Ramona as a blogging friend for quite some time now. She is always a positive ray of sunshine when she comments on my posts and is always willing to offer up her wonderful opinions.
Enough of me now, onto Ramona and her delicious treats!
Hi everyone!
My name is Ramona and I come to you today from a blog called Curry and Comfort. My blog is about all the food I love to eat from curries, stir fries and even some healthy food thrown in there for good measure.
I have been blogging buddies with Raven for some time now. I was so excited to hear of her engagement and can’t wait to see her beautiful wedding photos. I know she will be a beautiful bride… no question!
Since Raven is busy getting her wedding plans all finalized these next few months before the big day, I volunteered to guest post on her blog today.
Now Raven is a dancer and she loves to eat healthfully. So I decided to bring out this recipe that I have made a few times after seeing it on Dr. Oz. I have a big bag of Chia seeds (thanks to Costco) so finding ways to use it up is always helpful. I am also trying to eat low carb these days so this is a fantastic treat for my sweet tooth.
Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do. 🙂
- 3 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
- 5 tbsp chia seeds
- 2 tbsp cocoa powder
- 2 packets of stevia (or sugar substitute)
- Mix all ingredients, make sure almond milk is cold. Refrigerate overnight.
Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go make this immediately! 😉

Yay!! 🙂 Glad to be apart of Ravie Nom Noms today. 🙂 Have a great weekend. 🙂
So glad to have you Ramona!!
Happy Valley Chow
This is definitely making crave some pudding, looks delicious!
Happy Blogging!
Happy Valley Chow
Doesn’t it look amazing!?
Ella-Home Cooking Adventure
Wow, that is so easy. Next time I buy Chia will make this pudding too.
Me too!
Kim - Liv Life
We are on a bit of a chia obsession here lately!!! And mixed with chocolate?? How could you go wrong!!! A simple, healthy treat that could probably double as breakfast, yes??!! 🙂
Yes maam!! That is what I thought!!!
SO fun to find Ramona here…especially with these chocolate chia beauties!!!
Gorgeous aren’t they?
Dionne Baldwin
Nice to “meet” you Ramona! I just had to run to my kitchen to mix this up. It’s sitting in the fridge and I’ll give it a good 7 hours before I have a taste! That’s the same as overnight right? Heehee, I’m not good at waiting. 🙂