{{Guest Post}} Lemony Orzo Salad w/ Grilled Summer Squash with Liv Life
Good Morning all!!
Today marks the first post in my “Wedding Series” Guest Posts. I need to come up with a clever name for this series. What do you think?
I have asked some of my most favorite bloggers to help me out while Patrick and I get ready for the wedding. With so many things going on, I am having a hard time finding the time to be able to pay attention to my beloved blog here.
So many people were willing o be a part of the guest posts and I am so excited for you all to see and meet new people!
Let’s get started shall we?
I am sharing a really fun post from Kim @ Liv Life.
I have known Kim for quite a few years now, I cannot even believe that I can say that! Doesn’t seem like that long ago. Back in the good old days of Foodbuzz.
Remember Foodbuzz? I miss that website, was such a great way to connect with foodies!
Anyway, my dear friend Kim and I bonded easily over our blogs, food and our love of all things dance 🙂
I am super grateful to say she is a friend of mine and one of the best bloggers I know! Her pictures are always breath taking and her posts are beautifully written…not to mention her amazing recipes!!
So without further ado…
Earlier this week I wrote a post describing a few of the fabulous benefits of my adventures in food blogging. Top of that list remains the friendships I’ve made across the globe, and one of the first friendships I made was indeed Raven.
I remember distinctly the night I discovered her blog… you see Raven, like my own daughter Liv, has a love of dance that fills her heart. I remember reading this blog and showing Liv, “Look! A food blogger who is also a dancer!” and Liv and I spent a good half hour perusing her posts. I’ve followed her life through RavieNomNoms ever since, and I’m a little proud to say that I think I’ve known Raven longer than Patrick.
Filling in to give this bride-to-be a little spare time in which to continue her wedding plans, Liv and I discussed numerous recipe ideas, but settled on a healthy salad as this bride still has a wedding dress to fit into. And fit into it she will. Actually, not only will she fit into it, she’s going to look amazing!
Raven inspires me almost daily with her Instagram #bootycall posts. I’ve been a little out of the exercise routine lately, but each morning (I’m 3 hours behind her in San Diego) I wake up to another motivational message that gets me out of bed and starts my day. As I get the kids off, dishes done, laundry started and dogs walked I’m often tempted to sit myself down for a little late morning nap, but then I remember those posts and find renewed motivated to throw in a little bit of exercise time for myself. I’ve got a ways to go to get those Awesome Raven Arms, but I’m working on it!
Hence, we bring you and Raven this fabulous, lemony orzo salad. Bursting with bright flavors, I think I could eat this salad for breakfast, lunch or dinner (Actually… I’ve done that). A favorite of my Mother in Law, this salad finds its way onto our menu rotation frequently, especially in the summer grilling months. Adaptable to whatever veggies you have on hand, simply grill them up, chop and toss. Orzo brings a wonderful texture contrast and the basil pops the flavors.
Thanks so much for having us today Raven. Our heartiest congratulations to you and Patrick, the love you have shows through your words and photos, and we are so happy for you. I so enjoying following your wedding plans, and that cake your mom is putting together? It’s truly my dream cake!
- 1 zucchini
- 1 yellow squash
- 2-3 slices red onion
- oil (we like avocado oil, but a good olive oil will work as well)
- 1 cup uncooked orzo
- 1/4-1/3 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 2 Tbs good quality olive oil
- 1/4 cup fresh basil, julienned
- salt and pepper to taste
- crumbled feta
- Heat the grill to a medium-high heat.
- Cut the zucchini in half, lengthwise, then cut in half again. Do the same with the yellow squash. Slice the red onion into 1/8-inch (thicker if you like) slices. Brush the vegetables with oil and take to the grill.
- Place vegetables directly onto clean grill grates and reduce heat to medium. Cover. After 2-3 minutes turn the vegetables. Turn again after another 2-3 minutes, and grill until the vegetables are tender. The onions may take a little longer than the squash.
- Remove from grill and allow to cool.
- Cook the orzo according to package directions. Drain, rinse and allow to cool.
- Place the orzo into a large mixing bowl. Chop the vegetables and add to the pasta.
- Whisk together the lemon juice and olive oil. Drizzle over salad and add the basil, gently toss to combine. Serve immediately, or chill until ready to serve. This salad stores well overnight and makes a perfect potluck dish! Garnish with crumbled feta and another grind of freshly ground pepper when serving.
Wow, how amazing does this salad look!? I love orzo, I have been a fan of it for a long time.
I just love the flavor combinations that Kim has going on here. So amazing!!
I cannot wait to try it!
And thank you Kim for being a part of my guest posts! I am so lucky to have you as a friend!! 🙂

Stacey | Kitchen Serendipity
What a delicious and beautiful dish Kim!!
Isn’t it!?
A great guest post. Love both you and Kim 🙂 And this salad looks like the perfect way to kick off summer. Thank you for sharing!
Thanks Monet!! 🙂
Angie (@angiesrecipess)
A lovely guest post, Raven.
The orzo salad looks summery and delightful!
Doesn’t it?
GiGi Eats
When I was little, I used to live off of Orzo! My favorite kind of pasta, well, aside from BOW TIES!! 😀 My tongue loved to un-do those bow ties. LMFAO! Oh did that sound a little naughty?
I did too! When I was in college it was so cheap so that is what I ate!!
Chris @ The Café Sucré Farine
Best wishes for your wedding. Love Kim’s salad. She’s always making something good. Just recently got to meet her in person. She’s even better, sweeter, prettier ………. than you can imagine
I agree, she is always making something spectacular! So glad she came to visit!
Dionne Baldwin
I definitely remember Foodbuzz! I met both of you ladies through them. That was quite some time ago now, wasn’t it?? Time does fly and things have changed for us all. Raven, I am so happy for you and Patrick! Thank you for having Kim here as a guest. 🙂